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Financial Management Division (FMD) - Accounting and Payments Team


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The Accounting and Payments Team acts as liaison to field and headquarters offices as well as Controller Operations Division (COD) on financial and accounting data; Acts as Document Resolution Managers (DRM) for the Integrated Acquisition System (IAS) for commitment, obligation, and receipting errors; Monitors SUSF table and facilitates corrections of rejecting documents; Provides monthly statements for cooperative trust fund agreements; Processes and records foreign payments; Assists in payment research and problem-solving; Expedites same day payments; Organizes and provides APHIS FFIS/BRIO training; Processes miscellaneous payments not processed through established payment systems at COD. This includes: SF-1164’s, Indemnity Claims, Cooperative Agreements, Interagency Agreements, Lease Payments, Fee Basis, Blood Sampling, Foreign Allowances, UPS, Training 182’s, and miscellaneous payments under $2,500.

Last Modified: February 28, 2008

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