Press Room


June 24, 2003

U.S. Designates 55 Most Wanted Iraqi Officials
Part of Ongoing Effort to Secure and Return Iraqi Assets to the Iraqi People

WASHINGTON, DC – The U.S. Treasury Department has today designated 55 former senior Iraqi officials, the Department of Defense’s 55 most wanted Iraqis or the so-called “deck of cards,” in an effort to secure and return their assets to the Iraqi people.  These names have been added to the Office of Foreign Assets Control’s Specially Designated Nationals (SDN) list, freezing any accounts in U.S. jurisdiction and prohibiting transactions with U.S. persons.   According to the Department of Defense, 32 of the 55 designated today have been captured or have surrendered to coalition forces.

Additionally, the United States will submit these names to the United Nations for designation under UNSCR 1483 which requires all member states to freeze without delay funds or other financial assets or economic resources of Iraqi state bodies, corporations, or agencies located outside of Iraq, as well as funds or economic resources removed by Saddam Hussein, senior officials of the former Iraqi regime, and their immediate families.  Any assets belonging to these individuals must be returned to the Development Fund for Iraq and used for the good of the Iraqi people as required under the resolution.

“Today’s designation is yet another step in Treasury’s effort to locate the assets plundered by Saddam Hussein and his cronies and return them to their rightful owners – the Iraqi people.  As with any assets of the former Iraqi regime, any funds found will be used to help the people of Iraq as they rebuild their country after more than two decades of tyranny,” Secretary Snow stated.

This action continues Treasury’s effort to find, secure and return assets of the former Iraqi regime to the Iraqi people.  The Treasury Department has already returned over $660 million dollars in Iraqi assets previously frozen in the U.S. to Iraq where it has been used to pay civil servants and pensioners and to provide capital for Iraqi Ministries as they resume operation.  Additionally, the Treasury Department, working with allies, has located well over $1.2 billion dollars in previously unknown Iraqi assets and is working to facilitate the return of those assets to the Iraqi people through the Development Fund for Iraq.

A list of those designated is attached.

Former Senior Iraqi Officials Designated June 24, 2003

Saddam Hussein al-Tikriti
DOB 28 Apr 1937, POB al-Awja, near Tikrit, Iraq; President since 1979; nationality Iraqi.
a.k.a. Abu Ali
Qusay Saddam Hussein al-Tikriti
DOB1965; alt. DOB 1966; POB Baghdad, Iraq; Saddam's second son; oversaw Special Republican Guard, Special Security Organization, and Republican Guard; nationality Iraqi.
Uday Saddam Hussein al-Tikriti
DOB 1964; alt. DOB 1967; POB Baghdad, Iraq; Saddam's eldest son; leader of paramilitary organization Fedayeen Saddam; nationality Iraqi.
Abid Hamid Mahmud al-Tikriti
DOB circa 1957; POB al-Awja, near Tikrit, Iraq; Saddam's presidential secretary and key advisor; nationality Iraqi.
a.k.a. Abid Hamid bid Hamid Mahmud
a.k.a. Col. Abdel Hamid Mahmoud
a.k.a. Abed Mahmoud Hammud

Ali Hassan al-Majid al-Tikriti
DOB 1943; POB al-Awja, near Tikrit, Iraq; presidential advisor and senior member of Revolutionary Command Council; nationality Iraqi.
a.k.a. al-Kimawi
Izzat Ibrahim al Duri
DOB circa 1942; POB al-Dur, Iraq; deputy commander-in-chief of Iraqi military; deputy secretary, Ba'th party regional command; vice chairman, Revolutionary Command Council; nationality Iraqi.
a.k.a. Abu Brays
Hani abd-al-Latif Tilfah al-Tikriti
DOB circa 1962; POB al-Awja, near Tikrit, Iraq; #2 in Special Security Organization; nationality Iraqi.
Aziz Salih al-Numan
DOB 1941; alt. DOB 1945; POB An Nasiriyah, Iraq; Ba'th party regional command chairman; nationality Iraqi.
Muhammad Hamza Zubaidi
DOB 1938; POB Babylon, Babil Governorate, Iraq; former prime minister; nationality Iraqi.
Kamal Mustafa Abdallah
DOB 1952; alt. DOB 4 May 1955; POB Tikrit, Iraq; Republican Guard Secretary; led Special Republican Guard and commanded both Republican Guard corps; nationality Iraqi.
a.k.a. Kamal Mustafa Abdallah Sultan al-Tikriti
Barzan abd al-Ghafur Sulaiman Majid al-Tikriti
DOB 1960; POB Salah al-Din, Iraq; commander, Special Republican Guard; nationality Iraqi.
a.k.a. Barzan Razuki abd al-Ghafur
Muzahim Sa'b Hassan al-Tikriti
DOB circa 1946; alt. DOB 1949 al-Awja, near Tikrit, Iraq; led Iraq's Air Defense Forces; Deputy Director, Organization of Military Industrialization; nationality Iraqi.
Ibrahim Ahmad abd al-Sattar Muhammed al-Tikriti
DOB 1943; alt. DOB 1950; alt. DOB 1952; POB Ba'qubah or al-Sumayda/Shirqat, Iraq; armed forces chief of staff; nationality Iraqi.

Saif-al-Din Fulayyih Hassan Taha al-Rawi
DOB 1953; POB Ar Ramadi, al-Anbar Governorate, Iraq; Republican Guard chief of staff; nationality Iraqi.
a.k.a. Ayad Futayyih al-Rawi
Rafi abd-al-Latif Tilfah al-Tikriti
DOB circa 1954; POB Tikrit, Iraq; Director, Directorate of General Security; nationality Iraqi.
Tahir Jalil Habbush al-Tikriti
DOB 1950; POB Tikrit, Iraq; director of Iraqi Intelligence Service; nationality Iraqi.
Hamid Raja Shalah al-Tikriti
DOB 1950; POB Bayji, Salah al-Din Governorate, Iraq; air force commander; nationality Iraqi.
a.k.a. Hamid Raja-Shalah Hassan al-Tikriti
a.k.a. Hamid Raja-Shalah Hassum al-Tikriti
Latif Nusayyif Jasim al-Dulaymi
DOB circa 1941; POB Ar-Rashidiya suburb of Baghdad, Iraq; Ba'ath party military bureau deputy chairman; nationality Iraqi.
Abd-al-Tawab Mullah Huwaysh
DOB 1957; alt. DOB 14 March 1942; POB Mosul or Baghdad, Iraq; deputy prime minister; director, Organization of Military; nationality Iraqi.
Taha Yassin Ramadan al-Jizrawi
DOB circa 1938; vice president since 1991; nationality Iraqi.
Rukan Razuki abd-al-Ghafur Sulaiman al-Tikriti
DOB 1956; POB Tikrit, Iraq; head of Tribal Affairs Office in presidential office; nationality Iraqi.
a.k.a. Rukan abdal-Ghaffur Sulayman al-Majid
a.k.a. Rukan abd al-Gafur al-Majid
a.k.a. Rukan abd al-Ghaffur al-Majid al-Tikriti
a.k.a. Rukan Razuqi abd al-Gahfur al-Majid
a.k.a. Rukan 'abd al-Ghaffur al-Majid al-Tikriti
a.k.a. Abu Walid
Jamal Mustafa Abdallah Sultan al-Tikriti
DOB 4 May 1955; POB al-Samnah, near Tikrit, Iraq; deputy head of tribal affairs in presidential office; nationality Iraqi.

Mizban Khadr Hadi
DOB 1938; POB Mandali District, Diyala, Iraq; member, Ba'th party regional command and Revolutionary Command Council since 1991; nationality Iraqi.
Taha Muhyi-al-Din Ma'ruf
DOB 1924; POB Sulaymaniyah, Iraq; Vice President; member of Revolutionary Command Council; nationality Iraqi.
Tariq Aziz
DOB 1 Jul 1936; POB Mosul or Baghdad, Iraq; Deputy Prime Minister; NO34409/129 (July 1997); nationality Iraqi.
a.k.a. Tariq Mikhail Aziz
Walid Hamid Tawfiq al-Tikriti
DOB circa 1950; POB Tikrit, Iraq; Governor of Basrah; nationality Iraqi.
a.k.a. Walid Hamid Tawfiq al-Nasiri
Sultan Hashim Ahmad al-Tai
DOB circa 1944; POB Mosul, Iraq; Minister of Defense; nationality Iraqi.
Hikmat Mizban Ibrahim al-Azzawi
DOB 1934; POB Diyala, Iraq; Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister; nationality Iraqi.
Mahmud Dhiyab al-Ahmad
DOB 1953; POB Mosul or Baghdad, Iraq; Minister of Interior; nationality Iraqi.
Ayad Futayyih Khalifa al-Rawi
DOB 1942; POB Rawah, Iraq; Quds Force Chief of Staff; nationality Iraqi.
Zuhair Talib abd-al-Sattar al-Naqib
DOB circa 1948; Director, Military Intelligence; nationality Iraqi.
Amir Hamudi Hassan al-Sa'di
DOB 5 Apr 1938; POB Baghdad, Iraq; presidential scientific advisor; Passport No. NO33301/862, issued 17 October 1997, expires 1 October 2005; Passport No. M0003264580; Passport No. H0100009, issued 1 May 2002; nationality Iraqi.
Amir Rashid Muhammad al-Ubaidi
DOB 1939; POB Baghdad, Iraq; Minister of Oil; nationality Iraqi.
Husam Muhammad Amin al-Yassin
DOB 1953; alt. DOB 1958; POB Tikrit, Iraq; head, National Monitoring Directorate; nationality Iraqi.
Muhammad Mahdi al-Salih
DOB 1947 alt. DOB 1949, al-Anbar Governorate, Iraq; Minister of Trade; nationality Iraqi.
Sab'awi Ibrahim Hassan al-Tikriti
DOB 1947; POB Tikrit, Iraq; presidential advisor; half-brother of Saddam Hussein; nationality Iraqi.
Watban Ibrahim Hassan al-Tikriti
DOB 1952; POB Tikrit, Iraq; presidential advisor; half-brother of Saddam Hussein; nationality Iraqi.
a.k.a. Watab Ibrahim al-Hassan
Barzan Ibrahim Hassan al-Tikriti
DOB 1951; POB Tikrit, Iraq; presidential advisor; half-brother of Saddam Hussein; Passport No. M0001666/970; Passport No. NM0000860/114; Passport No. M0009851/1; nationality Iraqi.
Huda Salih Mahdi Ammash
DOB 1953; POB Baghdad, Iraq; member, Ba'ath party regional command; nationality Iraqi.
Abd-al-Baqi abd-al-Karim Abdallah al-Sad'un
DOB 1947; Ba'th party regional command chairman, Diyala; nationality Iraqi.
Muhammad Zimam abd-al-Razzaq al-Sa'dun
DOB 1942; POB Suq ash-Shuyukh District, Dhi-Qar, Iraq; Ba'th party regional chairman, at-Tamim nationality Iraqi.

Samir abd al-Aziz al-Najim
DOB 1937; POB 1938, Baghdad, Iraq; Ba'th party regional command chairman, East Baghdad; nationality Iraqi.
Humam abd-al-Khaliq abd-al-Ghafur
DOB 1945; POB ar-Ramadi, Iraq; Minister of Higher Education and Research; M0018061/104, issued 12 September 1993; nationality Iraqi.
a.k.a. Humam 'abd al-Khaliq 'abd al-Rahman
a.k.a. Humam 'abd al-Khaliq Rashid
Yahia Abdallah al-Ubaidi
Ba'th party regional command chairman, al-Basrah; nationality Iraqi.     
Nayif Shindakh Thamir Ghalib
Ba'th party regional command chairman, an-Najaf; member; Iraqi National Assembly; nationality Iraqi.
Saif-al-Din al-Mashhadani
DOB 1956; POB Baghdad, Iraq; Ba'th party regional command chairman, al-Muthanna; nationality Iraqi.
Fadil Mahmud Gharib
DOB 1944; POB Dujail, Iraq; Ba'th party regional command chairman, Babil; chairman, General Federation of Iraqi Trade Unions; nationality Iraqi.
a.k.a. Gharib Muhammad Fazel al-Mashaikhi
Muhsin Khadr al-Khafaji
Ba'th party regional command chairman, al-Qadisiyah; nationality Iraqi.
Rashid Taan Kazim
Ba'th party regional command chairman, al Anbar; nationality Iraqi.
Ugla Abid Saqar al-Kubaysi
DOB 1944; POB Kubaisi, al-Anbar Governorate, Iraq; Ba'th party regional command chairman, Maysan; nationality Iraqi.
a.k.a. Saqr al-Kabisi abd Aqala
Ghazi Hammud al-Ubaidi
DOB 1944; POB Baghdad, Iraq; Ba'th party regional command chairman, Wasit; nationality Iraqi.
Adil Abdallah Mahdi
DOB 1945; POB al-Dur, Iraq; Ba'th party regional command chairman, Dhi Qar; nationality Iraqi.
Hussein al-Awadi
Ba'th party regional command chairman, Ninawa; nationality Iraqi.
Khamis Sirhan al-Muhammad
Ba'th party regional command chairman, Karbala; nationality Iraqi.
a.k.a. Dr. Khamis
Sa'd abd-al-Majid al-Faysal al-Tikriti
DOB 1944; POB Tikrit, Iraq; Ba'th party regional command chairman, Salah al-Din; nationality Iraqi.