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CCDF Construction and Renovation for Tribal Lead Agencies

Index: ACYF-PI-CC-97-06 | National Environmental Policy Act | National Historical Preservation Act | (Collection available in Word and PDF)
Related Items: ACF Regional Administrator | 1997 Construction and Renovation Procedures
Note: ACYF-PI-CC-97-05 has been superseded by 2001 Construction and Renovation Procedures for Tribal Lead

Attachment B: National Historical Preservation Act

The uniform procedures for requesting to use Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) monies for construction or renovation (ACYF-PI-CC-97-05; August 18, 1997) require that a tribal Lead Agency include in its written application such information as may be necessary to comply with the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended (16 U.S.C. 167470f).

Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act states that the Advisory Council for Historic Preservation (ACHP) will have an opportunity to comment on any proposed Federal undertaking which will affect a historic property which is listed on or eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places (the Register).

Properties that meet the criteria for listing in the Register, which is administered and maintained by the National Park Service, are normally over 50 years of age (although there are exceptions for extremely significant recent properties), and include districts, sites, buildings, structures, and objects that are significant in American history, architecture, archeology, engineering, and culture. More detailed criteria are found in National Park Service regulations (36 CFR Part 60).

If either the tribal Lead Agency or the ACF Regional Office concludes that the property (affected by the proposed construction/renovation project) may be eligible for listing in the Register, ACF will submit a letter to the Department of the Interior requesting a decision concerning eligibility.

If a proposed construction/renovation project will affect a property which is on or determined eligible for the Register, the tribal Lead Agency must submit to ACF written materials regarding the impact of the proposed construction/renovation project on the property. These materials will be sent to ACHP for comment. For more detailed information about the ACHP review process, see regulations at 36 CFR Part 800.

Direct any questions to the appropriate ACF Regional Office (listed in Attachment C).

The above guidance is based on information provided by the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation on the World Wide Web ( and the Department of Health and Human Services' General Administrative Manual, Part 30 - Environmental Protection, Chapter 30-40 - Cultural Asset Review.

Index: ACYF-PI-CC-97-06 | National Environmental Policy Act | National Historical Preservation Act | (Collection available in Word and PDF)
Related Items: ACF Regional Administrator | 1997 Construction and Renovation Procedures
Note: ACYF-PI-CC-97-05 has been superseded by 2001 Construction and Renovation Procedures for Tribal Lead