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CCDF Construction and Renovation Procedures (Old)

Index: "Dear Tribal Lead Agency" Letter | ACYF-PI-CC-97-05 | Guidance | Procedures | Form | Application Checklist | (Collection available in Word and PDF)

Related Items: ACF Regional Administrators1997 Construction and Renovation for Tribal Lead Agencies
Note: ACYF-PI-CC-97-05 has been superseded by 2001 Construction and Renovation Procedures for Tribal Lead Agencies

Guidance for Using FY 1997 Tribal Mandatory Funds for Construction and Renovations

Fiscal Mechanism for Using FY 1997 Tribal Mandatory Funds
for Construction or Major Renovation

Separate Grant Award ACF will transfer CCDF funds to be used for construction and major renovation to a separate grant award with a separate grant document number. Funds in this separate grant award can only be used for construction or renovation activities.


General Rule


Generally, as indicated in the Program Instruction regarding construction and renovation, to use CCDF funds awarded in a given fiscal year on construction or major renovation, you must submit a complete application in accordance with the Program Instruction prior to July 1 of that fiscal year. This procedure will allow time for ACF to transfer CCDF funds to the separate construction and renovation grant award prior to the end of the fiscal year. Funds awarded in a given fiscal year cannot be transferred to the separate grant award after the end of that fiscal year.


Special Rule for FY 1997 Tribal Mandatory Funds


The July 1 deadline does not apply to FY 1997. Instead, ACF has established a special process for determining the appropriate amount of a tribal Lead Agency's FY 1997 Tribal Mandatory Funds to transfer to the separate grant award for construction and renovation.


Enclosed Form

To use FY 1997 Tribal Mandatory Funds for construction or renovation, you must complete and return the enclosed form, "FY 1997 Tribal Mandatory Funds to be Used for Construction or Major Renovation." The ACF must receive this form no later than September 15, 1997.  This form will notify ACF of the amount of FY 1997 Tribal Mandatory Funds (which were awarded in November 1996) that the tribal Lead Agency plans to use for construction or major renovation. While tribal Lead Agencies may apply to use either Discretionary or Tribal Mandatory Funds for construction or major renovation, only Tribal Mandatory Funds were awarded in FY 1997.

ACF will transfer the amount of FY 1997 Tribal Mandatory Funds that you indicate on the enclosed form to the separate grant award for use on construction and renovation. Notification using the enclosed form will allow ACF to transfer these funds prior to the end of FY 1997. After the end of FY 1997, ACF cannot transfer FY 1997 Tribal Mandatory Funds to the separate grant award.

You cannot use FY 1997 Tribal Mandatory Funds on construction or major renovation unless you provide a specific dollar estimate on the enclosed form and return the form so that ACF receives it by September 15. The amount of FY 1997 Tribal Mandatory Funds that you may use for construction or major renovation is limited to the amount that you indicate on the form.

When developing your dollar estimate, remember that use of funds for construction or renovation cannot result in a decrease in the level of child care services compared to the preceding fiscal year.




Send the completed form to:

Joe Lonergan, Director
Division of Formula, Entitlement, and Block Grants
Office of Program Support
Administration for Children and Families
Room 702
370 L'Enfant Promenade, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20447

In addition, send a copy to:

ACF Regional Administrator


Application is Still Required

Transfer of CCDF funds to the separate construction and renovation grant award does not automatically allow you to spend the funds for construction or major renovation. CCDF funds cannot be used for construction or major renovation until you submit, and ACF approves, an application in accordance with the enclosed Program Instruction. Completion and submittal of the enclosed form ("FY 1997 Tribal Mandatory Funds to be Used for Construction or Major Renovation") does not constitute an application to use CCDF funds for construction or major renovation.


If Funds Are Not Needed for Construction or Renovation


If you later determine that funds that have been transferred to the separate grant award are no longer needed for construction or renovation, you must notify ACF in writing so that ACF can release the funds for your use on other CCDF activities.

Index: "Dear Tribal Lead Agency" Letter | ACYF-PI-CC-97-05 | Guidance | Procedures | Form | Application Checklist | (Collection available in Word and PDF)

Related Items: ACF Regional Administrators1997 Construction and Renovation for Tribal Lead Agencies
Note: ACYF-PI-CC-97-05 has been superseded by 2001 Construction and Renovation Procedures for Tribal Lead Agencies