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FY 2005 Tribal Application Plan Procedures for CCDF Grantees

Index: Cover Letter | ACYF-PI-CC-04-04 | Child Count Declaration | Tribal Estimates | ACF Regional Administrators | (Collection available in Word and PDF)

Related Items: FY 2004 Application and Plan Procedures for 102-477 Grantees | CCDF Construction and Renovation Procedures for Tribal Lead Agencies

Cover Letter for ACYF-PI-CC-04-04

Dear Tribal Child Care Lead Agency:

The enclosed Program Instruction (ACYF-PI-CC-04-04) contains application procedures for fiscal year (FY) 2005 Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) monies. The child count declaration, which serves as the application for FY 2005 CCDF funding, must be received by the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) no later than July 1, 2004.

Please be reminded that all Tribes receiving CCDF funds must first request and receive ACF approval through a separate application process before using CCDF funds for construction or major renovation. Program Instruction ACYF-PI-CC-04-01 (dated January 23, 2004), containing the application procedures, can be found on the Child Care Bureau's website at: We would also like to remind you of upcoming deadlines related to the construction and renovation procedures:

  • If you plan to submit an application to use FY 2004 CCDF funds for construction or renovation, your ACF Regional Office must receive your construction/renovation application prior to July 1, 2004.
  • Tribal Lead Agencies with FY 2002 funds in a separate grant award for construction or renovation must liquidate these funds by September 30, 2004.



                                                                    Shannon Christian
                                                                    Associate Commissioner
                                                                    Child Care Bureau


Index: Cover Letter | ACYF-PI-CC-04-04 | Child Count Declaration | Tribal Estimates | ACF Regional Administrators | (Collection available in Word and PDF)

Related Items: FY 2004 Application and Plan Procedures for 102-477 Grantees | CCDF Construction and Renovation Procedures for Tribal Lead Agencies