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CCDF FY 2001 Final Tribal Allocations and Earmarks

Index: Dear Tribal Child Care Administrators "Letter" | ACYF-IM-CC-01-02 | Tribal Allocation Table (also in Excel) | FY 2001 Child Care and Related Appropriations (Letter/PI/appropriations summary also available in Word and PDF)

Related Items: ACF Regional AdministratorsFY 2002 Final Tribal Allocations and Earmarks | FY 2001 Procedures for CCDF Grantees


Information Memorandum (ACYF-IM-CC-01-02)


for Children
and Families

Administration on Children, Youth and Families
1. Log No: ACYF-IM-CC-01-02 2. Issuance Date: February 5, 2001
3. Originating Office: Child Care Bureau
4. Key Words: : Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF); Additional FY 2001 CCDF Discretionary Funds; Tribal FY 2001 CCDF Final Allocations and Earmarks


Tribal Lead Agencies administering child care programs under the Child Care and Development Block Grant Act of 1990 as amended, and other interested parties.


The Child Care and Development Block Grant Act of 1990 as amended (Child Care Development Block Grant Act); section 418 of the Social Security Act; FY 2000 Department of Health and Human Services Appropriations Act (P.L. 106-113); FY 2001 Consolidated Appropriations Act (P.L. 106-554). 


To convey the Final FY 2001 Tribal allotments and earmarks for the Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF), including additional Discretionary funds appropriated under P.L. 106-554.


Tribes are receiving two sets of grant awards for FY 2001 CCDF funds. Tribal Mandatory Funds as well as Discretionary Funds appropriated in advance by P.L. 106-113 were awarded at the beginning of the fiscal year. Additional Discretionary Funds subsequently appropriated by P.L. 106-554 are being awarded separately. Tribes should be receiving the notices of grant awards for these additional funds in the near future. Allocations in the attached chart (Attachment A) reflect total allocations for FY 2001.

Of the total amount of FY 2001 Discretionary Funds awarded, the appropriations law for the Department of Health and Human Services (P.L. 106-554) stipulated that a portion be used (or earmarked) for child care resource and referral and school-aged child care activities.

School-age child care is a critical service for working parents. A safe and productive environment before and after school is important for both the peace of mind of working parents and the well-being of their children. Resource and referral is also a key support, since it is a vital link for all working families who seek appropriate child care, providing critical consumer education to parents and outreach to the child care community.

Attachment A shows the total CCDF allocation and earmark requirement for FY 2001. The first column gives the names of Tribes and tribal organizations. The second column lists the FY 2001 Tribal Mandatory allocations. The third column lists the FY 2001 Discretionary base amount. The fourth column shows the FY 2001 Discretionary per child amount. The fifth column lists the total amount of FY 2001 Discretionary allocations (which equals the base amount plus the per child amount). The sixth column (labeled "Discretionary Earmark") is the amount of FY 2001 Discretionary Funds that must be spent on resource and referral activities and school-age care. The seventh column (labeled "Discretionary After Earmark") is the amount of Discretionary Funds remaining after the earmark that can be spent on any allowable CCDF activities (assuming quality expenditure, administrative cost, and other Federal requirements are met). The last column shows the total amount of FY 2001 CCDF funds.

The FY 2001 Discretionary earmark for resource and referral activities and school-age care is based on a $500 amount per Tribe plus a per child amount.

For your information, the FY 2001 "per child" amounts are:
· $97 for Tribal Mandatory Funds; and
· $56 for Discretionary Funds (not including the base amount).



Direct all inquiries to the appropriate ACF Regional Administrator (see Attachment B).


James A Harrell
Acting Commissioner
Administration on Children, Youth and Families

Index: Dear Tribal Child Care Administrators "Letter" | ACYF-IM-CC-01-02 | Tribal Allocation Table (also in Excel) | FY 2001 Child Care and Related Appropriations (Letter/PI/appropriations summary also available in Word and PDF)
Related Items: ACF Regional AdministratorsFY 2002 Final Tribal Allocations and Earmarks | FY 2001 Procedures for CCDF Grantees