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Human Resources Division (HRD) - Benefits - Retirement and Financial Seminars


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With about half of the employee population eligible for retirement in the next 10 years, and with the introduction of several new benefits programs in the past few years, employee benefits are a hot topic for employee meetings. 

Your Human Resources Benefits Specialist can provide a seminar, generally free of charge, for your employee work conferences.   The presentation is given by a knowledgeable Human Resources Benefits Specialist who provides an interesting Powerpoint slide show and handouts, answers audience questions, and can meet with individuals privately after the seminar for individual retirement counseling.  There is generally no cost to your program if it is approved on the HR travel budget.   

We receive "excellent" ratings by our audiences: 

“I never had benefits explained to me – you did great!” – an APHIS employee.

“Very informative.” – a GIPSA employee.

“The speaker is very knowledgeable and enthusiastic about the topics” – an APHIS employee.

“Excellent TSP information.  I realize now that I am in charge of my financial situation.” – an APHIS employee.

 “I wish I had known this 25 years ago!” – a GIPSA employee.

“All of the information was so helpful.” – an AMS employee.

This is the seminar:

Retirement Planning and Employee Benefits 

Powerpoint slide show and handouts cover: 

  • Eligibility for benefits 
  • Retirement Planning, CSRS and FERS (coverage, eligibility, creditable service, annuity) 
  • Social Security and Medicare 
  • Thrift Savings Plan and Financial Planning 
  • Health Insurance 
  • Dental and Vision Insurance
  • Flexible Spending Accounts 
  • Life Insurance 
  • Long Term Care Insurance 
  • Designation of Beneficiary 
  • Life Events 
  • Employee Tools (NFC Personal Page)

Allow 4 hours, which includes several breaks and time for questions and answers. How to request this seminar: 

The following general information is requested for budget planning purposes:

  • Agency/Program 
  • Location of meeting 
  • Date(s) 
  • Number of employees expected to attend.  

Requests should be made to your servicing Benefits Specialist.

Seminar requests are preferred to be scheduled in advance, on a fiscal year basis, to secure adequate travel funds and available staff resources.

(For employees of USDA Marketing and Regulatory Programs and the Merit Systems Protection Board)

Last Modified: December 13, 2007

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