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Library of Congress Classification Proposal Guidelines

This Subject Authority Cooperative Program (SACO) online classification form is intended to facilitate the submission of proposed LC classification numbers for inclusion in the LC Classification Schedules. This is an attempt to expedite the growing number of submissions for classification numbers by cooperating libraries. To use this form, complete it online and when you have finished providing the required fields, use the "submit" button to send directly to the Cooperative Cataloging Cataloging Team at the Library of Congress.

Concise guidelines and examples for filling out the form are available below. These instructions and examples will help the cataloger complete the proposal form. However, please refer to the LC Subject Cataloging Manual (SCM): Classification, F 50, for a thorough explanation of the classification proposal process. For those classification proposals that appear to involve major or complex development, it is advisable to discuss the development with a Coop liaison or a SACO Mentor before starting the proposal process.

The Cooperative Cataloging Team encourages experimentation with this form and requests that any recommended changes for its improvement be sent to the address.

If it is not possible for you to use this form or should you encounter difficulty, please contact the Cooperative Cataloging Team by email at: and a hardcopy form will be faxed to your institution for your use.

Thank you for submitting new classification number proposals and proposed changes to the existing classification schedules. Your suggestions and contributions will improve and make more comprehensive the Library of Congress Classification Schedules.

Instructions for Filling In the LC Classification Proposal Form

(For complete instructions see SCM, F50)

Filling in the boxes at the top of the form:

  • In the box labelled: Class Letters:
    • Fill in the LC classification letters of the schedule to be added to or amended
  • In the box which contains the notations: COOP
    • Mark the Box with an "X"
  • In the box labelled: Pattern
    • Fill in with an existing classification number that is identical or similar to the new proposal in either terminology or location of the caption(s) in relation to surrounding lines.
    • Citing a pattern helps to justify the development of new numbers. (cf. SCM F50 p. 2)
  • In the box labelled: Better
    • Do nothing; the LC reviewer will fill in as appropriate

Filling in the body of the form:

  • In the column below the box labelled: Class Number
    • Fill in the "anchor point" or existing LC classification no. to show the location and alignment of the proposed new or changed number will fit.
    • Put brackets around this anchor point number to indicate that it already exists in the schedule.
    • When proposing a new whole classification number, use another whole number as the anchor point. (The anchor point number used may be either the whole number that precedes the proposed number or the whole number that follows the proposed number.)
  • In the column below the box labelled: Decimal
    • Fill in with the number "anchor point" (if any) to "pinpoint" the exact location within the schedule where the new or amended decimal number should be placed.
    • Remember to bracket the decimal number if it is being used to show placement. Enter the proposed number on a separate line, placing it relative to the anchor point that has been used.
  • In the column below the box labelled: Cutters
    • Enter the proposed Cutter or any change to an existing Cutter in this area.
  • In the column below the box labelled: Captions, Notes
    • Enter the proposed caption or note or any change to an existing caption or note in this area. Place an asterisk before a changed caption or note.
  • In the box labelled Work Cat:
    • Give citation of the item generating the proposal
  • In the boxes labelled: For Classification Editorial Use; Weekly list no.; Quarterly no.
    • Do nothing; these are for use of the Classification Editorial staff.
  • In the box labelled: MARC21 Library code
    • Fill in the MARC21 code of your institution.
  • In the box labelled: Coop Cat code
    • Do nothing; the reviewer who processes the proposal will fill in.
  • In the box labelled: CPSO notes
    • Do nothing.

Examples of completed LCC proposal forms:

  1. Proposal form for a new Cutter number
  2. Proposal form for a number that includes a decimal portion

LC Classification Proposal Form

By clicking on the link to the proposal form, a graphic will be displayed. This is the item for you to print and fill out as instructed above. Alternatively, a PDF form is now available for use (requires Adobe Acrobat Reader).

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  January 3, 2008
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