U.S. Department of Education: Promoting Educational Excellence for all Americans
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Secretary Paige Speaking at the Commonwealth Club in Silicon Valley, CA. (March 12, 2003)

The Commonwealth Club of California is the nation's oldest and largest public affairs forum, bringing together its 15,000 members for over 400 annual events on topics ranging across politics, culture, society and the economy.<br> <i>Photo credit: Joe Gurkoff</i>

The Commonwealth Club of California is the nation's oldest and largest public affairs forum, bringing together its 15,000 members for over 400 annual events on topics ranging across politics, culture, society and the economy.<br> <i>Photo credit: Joe Gurkoff</i>

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The Commonwealth Club of California is the nation's oldest and largest public affairs forum, bringing together its 15,000 members for over 400 annual events on topics ranging across politics, culture, society and the economy.
Photo credit: Joe Gurkoff