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In Need of Repair: Reforming the United Nations: Chapter 3
UN Task Force Report Briefing

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American Interests and UN ReformUSIP-directed Task Force on the UN released its report on June 15, 2005.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005
10:00 AM–Noon

U.S. Institute of Peace
1200 17th St., NW
Washington, D.C.

Following the June 2005 release of the Task Force on the United Nations report, panelists Hills, Feulner, Thornburgh, and Florini discussed actionable recommendations to ensure effectiveness, integrity, transparency, and accountability in the UN system.  Key findings and recommendations included:

  • Creating an Independent Oversight Board with audit powers to prevent the occurrence of another Oil-for-Food scandal
  • Appointing a very senior official to manage daily operations of the Secretariat, similar to the role of a Chief Operating Officer
  • Empowering the Secretary General with the ability to replace his or her top officials


  • The Honorable Roderick M. Hills
    Founder and Chairman, Hills Program on Governance, CSIS; Member, Task Force on the United Nations
  • Dr. Edwin J. Feulner
    President, The Heritage Foundation; Member, Task Force on the United Nations
  • The Honorable Richard Thornburgh
    Former Under Secretary General, UN; Former U.S. Attorney General
  • Dr. Ann Florini
    Senior Fellow, The Brookings Institution; Coordinating Expert, Task Force On The United Nations
  • Also present as respondent...
    Christopher Bancroft Burnam
    Under Secretary General for Management, UN
  • Gary Matthews, U.S. Institute of Peace, Moderator
  • Task Force Experts from CSIS, the Council on Foreign Relations, and the Heritage Foundation will also be in attendance.

Media Inquiries

Please contact the Office of Public Affairs and Communications at 202.429.3832.

Of Related Interest

USIP is conducting a series of briefings on the findings and recommendations of each chapter of the Task Force on the United Nations’ report, American Interests and UN Reform.

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