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Animal Health Monitoring & Surveillance

NAHSS Outlook - Guidelines for Authors

The NAHSS Outlook is a quarterly electronic newsletter that is distributed to all Veterinary Services (VS) employees via email and includes four to six articles related to animal health surveillance and the National Animal Health Surveillance System. View past editions of the NAHSS Outlook.

Subject Matter: The topic of the article should relate directly or indirectly to animal health surveillance. The subject should be current, informative and interesting to VS employees.

Audience: The NAHSS Outlook is received by all VS employees, encompassing a wide variety of occupations and backgrounds. For this reason, the article should be directed toward a general audience, without too much technical detail. In most cases, a broad overview of the topic and its relationship to surveillance is ideal.

Format: Articles should be 1-2 pages (single-spaced) in length. Graphics (diagrams, tables, charts, etc.) are welcome, but not required. References can be included if desired. Please include author's name, title, and contact information. Text formatting and conversion to a pdf document will be done by the editors.

Procedure: Submit the article (preferably as a Microsoft Word document) via email to the National Surveillance Unit at The article will be reviewed, edited, and returned to the author for final approval. APHIS' Legislative and Public Affairs (LPA) will also approve the content of the article. The Outlook editors will write an introduction for the main page of the email that will provide a link to the article. Upon release of the NAHSS Outlook, VS employees will receive the original e-communication; all other authors will receive an email announcement with a link to the NAHSS Outlook on NSU's Web site.

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