Home arrow NewsCastle arrow Apr 2008 Issue arrow 4.3 Commander's Message
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Vol. 38 No. 4            A monthly publication of the Los Angeles District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers             April 2008

Commander's Message


Colonel Thomas H. Magness, IV Commander, Los Angeles District
Colonel Thomas H. Magness, IV Commander, Los Angeles District
Although Earth Day has passed, let’s not let up on our efforts to make the best use of our resources, both at work and at home. I’m not sure how many of you had the opportunity to participate in the “sustainability challenge” I sent out. It’s just an informal opportunity for all of us to examine our lifestyles and determine how we can help conserve valuable resources, such as water, electricity, and fuel, as well as reducing the amount of waste and pollution we generate. I encourage you to take this challenge and see what you can do for our environment.  Please consider involving your entire family.
This is important not just from a pure conservation perspective.  It contributes directly to our district bottom-line.  This could be an important evaluation tool to examine how you use finite resources -- both at home and at work.

In case you missed it before, you start by evaluating your current situation with a simple checkmark for each item listed on the attachment. Then, you determine where you would like to be, and re-evaluate in one month.  This is an easy way for all of us to become better stewards of the planet we share and that we will leave for our children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.
Earth Day is just one day out of the year, but don’t let that fool you. Every day brings a new opportunity to do something important, something worthwhile for the world around you. Earth Day is just one day, but it should serve to remind you just how precious our planet is and how we must all work to protect our finite resources. Use that one day as a starting point to a lifetime of sustainability initiatives that will help you at home, the district in which we work and the world in which we live.
My friends, this is not just about being GREEN.  That’s a short-term goal. This is about making better use of our resources, and about saving some taxpayer money (another GREEN)!  We can do better.

Thanks for everything you already do to make this world a better place.  I look forward to working with you all to ensure we build to the highest possible standards of architectural and environmental quality.



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