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Bản tin tiếng Việt

Anh Ngữ sinh động bài 168

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Ðây là Chương trình Anh Ngữ Sinh Ðộng New Dynamic English, bài 168. Phạm văn xin kính chào quí vị thính giả. Bài học hôm nay bắt đầu bằng mẩu đàm thoại trong đó anh Bill từ giã cô Sandra ở phi trường. Sau đó là phần Câu đố trong tuần với câu hỏi, “Người nào sống lâu hơn hết?” “Who will have the longest life?” Sau đó, ta nghe chuyện Max đi khám răng.

Và phần cuối là Anh ngữ Thương mại trung cấp, trong đó ông Gomez thảo luận với ông Blake về việc huấn luyện kỹ sư cách dùng người máy rô-bô, training his engineers how to use the robots, và cung cấp sách hướng dẫn bằng tiếng Anh, service manual in English, và những bản tường trình về hiệu năng của máy rô-bô do các công ty khác đã dùng, reports on the performance of the robots from other companies that had used them. Trong phần đàm thoại sắp tới có chữ “darling” nghĩa là “yêu dấu, cưng.” Xin nghe trước, sau đó, nghe và lập lại.

Cut 1

Daily Dialogue: Saying Good-bye (Part 3)

Larry:  Daily Dialogue: Saying Good-bye (Part 3)

 Sandra and Bill say good-bye.

There’s my plane.  Máy bay của anh đến kia rồi.

I won’t forget you. Em sẽ không quên anh.

Larry: Listen to the conversation.

SFX:  airport announcements

Bill: I’m sorry I have to leave, Sandra.

(short pause)

Sandra: I’m sorry too, Bill. I’ll miss you.

(short pause)

Bill: I’ll write to you every day.

(short pause)

Sandra: I can’t wait to read your letters.

(short pause)

Bill: And I’ll call you every night.

(short pause)

Sandra: It will be so good to hear your voice.

(short pause)

Bill: Will you think about me?

(short pause)

Sandra: Of course, I will.

(short pause)

Bill: Oh, there’s my plane.

(short pause)

 Good-bye, darling.

(short pause)

Sandra: I won’t forget you!

(short pause)

Bill: I hope not.

(short pause)

 I’ll be back next Wednesday.

(short pause)

Larry: Listen and repeat.

Bill: Oh, there’s my plane.

(pause for repeat)

 Good-bye, darling.

(pause for repeat)

Sandra: I won’t forget you!

(pause for repeat)

Bill: I hope not.

(pause for repeat)

 I’ll be back next Wednesday.

(pause for repeat)


Vietnamese Explanation

Trong phần tới, Câu đố trong tuần Question of the Week, ta nghe câu hỏi, “Who will have the longest life?” Ai là người sống lâu nhất? Married men=đàn ông có vợ. Married women.= đàn bà có chồng. Single men=đàn ông độc thân. Single=unmarried. Single women=đàn bà độc thân. Americans with pets=người Mỹ có nuôi vật cưng như chó hay mèo. Americans without pets.=người Mỹ không nuôi chó hay mèo trong nhà.

Cut 2

Question of the Week (question): Who will have the longest life?

Larry: Question of the Week!

The question is, “Who will have a longer life?”


Max: Once again, it’s time for Question of the Week.

 This week’s questions are about Americans.

 The question is: Who will have the longest life?

 Question Number One:

 In the United States, who do you think will have the longest life:

 married men,... married women,... single men,... or single women?

 Who will have the longest life?

 Question Number Two:

 Who will have a longer life:

 Americans with pets, you know, cats and dogs, .... or Americans without pets?

 Who will have a longer life?

 We’ll have the answers on our next show.

NDE Closing

Larry:  A Question for You

Max: Now here’s a question for you.

Larry: Listen for the bell, then say your answer.

Max: Do you prefer to travel by train or by airplane, and why?

(pause for answer)

Max: OK!


Vietnamese Explanation

Trong phần tới, ta nghe chuyện Max sẽ đi khám răng. Go to the dentist=đi nha sĩ. Go to the doctor=đi bác sĩ. To have a checkup=đi khám bác sĩ hay nha sĩ. To hate=ghét. [sau “hate” động từ theo sau ở hình thức verb-ing. He hates going to the dentist. Tương tự, sau động từ like, và enjoy, động từ theo sau cũng ở hình thức verb-ing: John Orwell likes living in England. He enjoys writing stories. ]

Appointment=buổi hẹn. I have a doctor’s appointment.=tôi có hẹn đi bác sĩ. Tooth=răng; [số nhiều của tooth là teeth.] Toothache=đau răng. Nhận xét về chữ “tooth.” He has a sweet tooth=anh ta ưa ăn đồ ngọt. The tooth of the storm=con chốt của trận bão. Ngà voi thì gọi là tusk; răng nanh của chó hay rắn thì gọi là “fang.” Thành ngữ “long in the tooth” nghĩa là già; elderly, old. Toothless=móm. To put teeth into a law=tăng cường cho đạo luật có thêm hiệu lực. Armed to the teeth.=mang khí giới đầy mình. By the skin of one’s teeth=trong gang tấc, trong đường tơ kẽ tóc. I got to the airport late and missed the plane by the skin of my teeth.=tôi đến phi trường trễ và lỡ chuyến bay trong đường tơ kẽ tóc. He missed the burning building by the skin of his teeth.=anh ta thoát chết cháy trong đường tơ kẽ tóc. 

Cut 3

Story Interlude:  A Visit to the Dentist

Larry: OK... and we’re off the air.

Max: Well, folks, I’ve got to run.

Kathy: Where are you going, Max?

Max: Well, I’ve got to go to the dentist.

Kathy: Do you have a toothache, Max?

Max: (laughs) Oh, no. I’m just going for a checkup.

 But I’m taking my son, too.

 And he hates going to the dentist!

Kathy: When I was a child, I was afraid of the dentist.

 So after my dentist appointments, my mother always bought me some ice cream.

Max: Ice cream? That’s not very good for your teeth.

Kathy: Oh, I know, but I liked ice cream, so it made me feel better.

Max: Hmmm.... My son likes ice cream, too.

 Maybe I’ll buy him some ice cream after our appointment.

Kathy: Good idea.

SFX: Elizabeth entering

Eliz: Hi, Max, Kathy.

 Time for my show.

Larry: Quiet, please, everyone. Ready for Functioning in Business.
Vietnamese Explanation
Phần tới là phần Anh Ngữ Thương Mại Trung cấp nhằm chú trọng vào tập tục và văn hoá trong môi trường thương mại Hoa Kỳ. Phần này tên là “Negotiations--Part 6; Thương lượng--Phần 6.” Entire=toàn thể. The entire conversation=toàn thể câu chuyện. Final details=chi tiết cuối cùng. Mr. Gomez asked for some information about the performance records of the robots in Asia.= Ông Gomez muốn có tin tức về thành tích hiệu năng của máy tự động ở Á châu. He wants reports from Japanese and Korean companies that have used Mr. Blake’s robots.= Ông Gomez muốn xem bản tường trình về hiệu năng máy rô bô của các công ty Nhật hay Triều Tiên đã dùng những máy này của hãng Ông Blake.

Cut 4

FIB Opening

FIB MUSIC lead-in and then background

Eliz: Hello, I’m Elizabeth Moore. Welcome to Functioning in Business!

MUSIC swells and fades

Larry: Functioning in Business is an intermediate level business English course with a focus on American business practices and culture.

 Today’s unit is “Negotiations, Part 6.”


Discussion: Blake’s meeting with Gomez

Larry: Discussion

Eliz: I’m here with Gary Engleton.

 Today, we will listen to the entire conversation between Mr. Blake and Mr. Gomez.

Gary: ... where they go over some final details ...

Eliz: Yes.

 They discuss... let’s see... training... the service manual...

Gary: And Mr. Gomez asks for some information about, uh, the performance record of the robots in Asia.

Eliz: Yes, he wants reports from Korean and Japanese companies that have used Mr. Blake’s robots.

Gary: All in all, Mr. Gomez seemed satisfied. [All in all=xét về toàn thể thì.]

Eliz: Yes, he did.

 Let’s listen again to the conversation and we’ll talk about it afterwards.

Gary: OK!


Vietnamese Explanation

Trong phần tới ta nghe lại toàn thể mẩu đàm thoại giữa Ông Gomez và Ông Blake.
That sounds quite reasonable.=như vậy xét ra rất hợp lý. Install the machines.= đặt máy tự động. Get them operating.=cho máy chạy. We’re under no deadline pressure.=chúng tôi không bị áp lực phải làm gấp cho kịp hạn chót. Client=thân chủ. As soon as=ngay sau khi.

Cut 5

Dialog: FIB Dialog, Meeting with Gomez and Blake

Larry: Dialog

Gomez:  So, Mr. Blake, when we first put these machines in operation, can you send over a group of advisors...

 ... technical advisors who speak English and can train our engineers and workmen?

Blake:  Certainly, Mr. Gomez.

  In fact, we have some engineers in a language training program now.

  They could come over within a few months and be available any time you need them.

Gomez:  Great, great. That sounds good.

  Uh, another one of our major concerns is the service manual.

  We’re quite concerned about getting a service manual in English.

  It has to be easy to read and very clear and useful for our engineers.

Blake:  Yes, again, as I told you, we are preparing a translation of the Chinese manual we have now...

 ... and we expect that to be ready in a short time.

Gomez:  By a short time ... could you give me an estimate?

Blake:  Uh, I’d like to say two weeks, but I’d have to get back to you.

 But probably about two or three weeks.

Gomez:  Oh, that sounds quite reasonable.

  As you know, we have until January first to actually install these machines and get them operating ...

 ... so we’re under no deadline pressure here.

Blake:  Okay, well, that gives us a fair amount of time to work with.

Gomez:  Plenty of time. That sounds good, Mr. Blake.

  Uh, another concern is your performance record in Asia with these machines.

Blake:  Why don’t I send you some reports on our performance, ...

 ... on the performance of the robots in some Japanese and Korean companies who are also our clients.

  And I’m sure you’ll be quite pleased with what you see.

Gomez:  Okay, great. Could you get those off to me within a few weeks?

Blake:  Sure. That shouldn’t be a problem.

  In fact as soon as I get back to Beijing, I’ll see to it.

Gomez:  Excellent. Um, thank you very much.

Blake:  Is there anything else?

Gomez:  Well, no. That covers all the major points.

Blake:  Okay. Fine.

Gomez:  Sounds good.


Vietnamese Explanation

Quí vị vừa học xong bài 168 trong Chương Trình Anh Ngữ Sinh Ðộng. Phạm Văn xin kính chào quí vị và xin hẹn gặp lại trong bài học kế tiếp.


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