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Children's Bureau Safety, Permanency, Well-being  Advanced

Attachment D

Assurances Addendum

The State/Tribe assures that not more than 10 percent of each fiscal year’s title IV-B, subpart 1 funds (including FY 2007) will be spent on administrative costs beginning October 1, 2007.


State Director of State Agency
that administers titles IV-E and
IV-B of the Social Security Act.






Tribal Leader





PI 07-05: HTML or PDF (221 KB)

Attachment A: FY 2007 Allocations:

1) Title IV-B, Subpart 1, Child Welfare Services (CWS)
HTML or PDF (30 KB)

2) Title IV-B, Subpart 2, Promoting Safe and Stable Families (PSSF)
HTML or PDF (30 KB)

a) 2006 State allocation for Caseworker Visits
HTML or PDF (36 KB)

3) Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA)
HTML or PDF (30 KB)

4) Chafee Foster Care Independence Program (CFCIP)
HTML or PDF (30 KB)

5) Education and Training Vouchers (ETV)
HTML or PDF (30 KB)

Attachment B: FY 2008 Estimated Allotments

Chafee Foster Care Independence Program (CFCIP)
HTML or PDF (33 KB)

Education and Training Vouchers (ETV)
HTML or PDF (33 KB)

Attachment C: CFS-101,

Part I: Annual Budget Request for Title IV-B, Subparts 1 and 2, CAPTA, Chafee Foster Care Independence (CFCIP) and Education and Training Vouchers (ETV) Program Instructions
HTML or PDF (19 KB)

Part II: Annual Summary of Child and Family Services Instructions
HTML or PDF (24 KB)

Part II: Annual Summary of Child and Family Services Form
HTML or PDF (25 KB)

Part III: Annual Expenditures Title IV-B, Subparts 1 and 2, CFCIP, and ETV Program:
Instructions - HTML or PDF (17 KB)
Form - HTML or PDF (18 KB)

Attachment D:

Assurances and Certificates
HTML or PDF (39 KB)

Attachment E:

Children's Bureau Regional Program Managers
HTML or PDF (75 KB)