U.S. Department of Education: Promoting Educational Excellence for all Americans
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Secretary Spellings Appears on ED TV Program (Feb 20, 2007)
Secretary Spellings responds to a question from moderator Doris McMillon on the set of the Department of Education's television program, Education News Parents Can Use.
Secretary Spellings responds to a question from moderator Doris McMillon on the set of the Department of Education's television program, Education News Parents Can Use.

Secretary Spellings responds to a question from moderator Doris McMillon on the set of the Department of Education's television program, Education News Parents Can Use. Secretary Spellings and moderator Doris McMillon discuss the teaching of math and science on the set of the Department of Education's television program, Education News Parents Can Use.
Secretary Spellings meets with guest panelists before the February 20 live broadcast of the Department of Education's television program, Education News Parents Can Use.  Left to right:  Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson, executive director of the Hayden Planetarium; Kathy Cloninger, CEO of Girl Scouts USA; Secretary Spellings; Dr. Larry Faulkner, chair of the National Mathematics Advisory Panel; Dr. Mike Buck, assistant superintendent of the  Rome (Georgia) City Schools; and Brenda Smith, superintendent of the Mt. Vernon (New York) City School District.  


See webcast of this TV program -- "Math and Science Education: Critical Skills for the 21st Century"
See other photo essays

Last Modified: 02/23/2007