Library of Congress >> MARC >> Authority >> 00X

00X - Control Fields-General Information

MARC 21 Authority
October 1999

"Full" documentation refers to the MARC 21 Format for Authority Data that contains detailed descriptions of every data element, along with examples, input conventions and history sections.

"Concise" documentation refers to the MARC 21 Concise Format for Authority Data that contains abridged descriptions of every data element, along with examples.

001 - Control Number (NR) Full | Concise
003 - Control Number Identifier (NR) Full | Concise
005 - Date and Time of Latest Transaction (NR) Full | Concise
008 - Fixed-Length Data Elements (NR) Full | Concise


Record control number and other coded information used in the processing of MARC authority records. These fields have no indicators or subfield codes.

Each data element in the fixed-length 005 and 008 fields is positionally defined. A detailed explanation of these positionally-defined data elements can be found in each field description.

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