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Website for Training Materials for the PCC Regional BIBCO Trainers

Trainees Manuals: FAQs

BIBCO Training Manual, OCLC version, 4th edition (issued November 2004)
BIBCO Training Manual, RLIN version, 4th edition (issued November 2004)

Note: these manuals are password protected. To obtain password please contact Carolyn Sturtevant, BIBCO Coordinator.

FAQ on joining BIBCO

BIBCO Program Parameters

Trainers Manuals/files
Recommend Training Manuals

BIBCO Trainer's Manual
RLG inserts for Trainer's BTM
Powerpoint files to accompany Trainer's BTM

Note: these manuals and files are password protected. To obtain password please contact Carolyn Sturtevant, BIBCO Coordinator

BIBCO Participants' Manual
SACO Participants' Manual


BASIC Required Documentation of the BIBCO Program:

A requirement of BIBCO membership is that all particpants are active independent NACO members. The hallmark of a BIBCO record is that, at the time of creation, all access points are authorized and adhere with the current standards, policies, and practices stated in the following documentation:

  • The Anglo-American Cataloging Rules (second revised edition) Chapters 22-26 and index.
  • The MARC 21 Authority Format (including the DCM Z1 addition issued by the Library of Congress (known as the yellow pages) and the LC Guidelines Supplement to the MARC 21Format for Authority Data (known as the "blue pages")
  • The Library of Congress Rule Interpretations (LCRIs) Chapters 22-26
  • The Library of Congress Subject Cataloging Manual (SCM)
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  January 3, 2008
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