Africana Librarians Council



1.� Welcome New Funnel List Serve Members�

As was discussed at the Spring 1999 Cataloging Committee meeting in Washington DC,� the funnel coordinator sent out a message to the regular ALC list to see if people,� who might not be catalogers, but who might be able to provide subject expertise for various subject proposals, were interested in participating.� Anyone who replied has been added. If you know of anyone else (cataloger or not) who might be interested, please contact the funnel coordinator.

Cataloging Committee members requested at the Spring meeting that subject proposals be sent to the list prior to submission to LC for review and input from participants. It is hoped that participants with specialized subject backgrounds will provide input and be able to enhance proposed subject authorities when possible. The funnel coordinator agreed to do this.� If anyone is working on a subject heading and having problems with choice of heading, reference sources, etc.; send it to the list so that we can take advantage of everyone's expertise.

3.� SACO Workshop held April 29, 1999 at the Library of Congress.

The workshop concentrated on ethnic groups, languages, literatures and arts. The possibility of holding future workshops covering other types of subjects was supported by the Cataloging Committee.� The funnel coordinator has handouts from this workshop that can copy them for anyone who was not able to attend. They include:

* Use of Adjectival Qualifiers in Library of Congress Subject Headings� (This includes patterns for Nations/Regional, Ethnic, Linguistic, Religious, and Time Periods/Dynasties Qualifiers)

* Patterns for Establishing Names of Languages (with qualifiers added to headings or references in cases of conflict), Names of Dialects, Groups of Languages, Literature Based on Language, Literary Genres, and Steps in proposing to Change a Languages Heading Already Established.

* Fine Arts vs. Decorative Arts, Patterns for Art Forms, Art Themes, Art Movements and Styles, Schools of Art, Artists' Groups, and Buildings.

*A Selected List of Africana Reference Sources Used by the Library of Congress Catalogers for Establishing History, Language and Literature, Ethnic Groups, Languages, Linguistic Concepts, and Art.

There are also 2 handouts that deal with the example discussed at the Workshop on changing the subject heading Ashanti (African people) to Asante (African people) as proposed by the Smithsonian. The first handout includes the authority heading to be changed and is accompanied by extensive documentation for the change. The second handout is a collection of all the headings that need to be reviewed in the event of a change to this particular heading. It is a good example of the impact that changing a heading can have and the work that needs to be done to support such a proposal.

Thanks to everyone who participated in the workshop. If anyone has any comments or questions about this or possible future workshops, please contact the funnel coordinator at

4. Africana Subject Funnel on the Web:

Information about the Funnel is available on the Web through the Africana Librarians Council Web site� . Please look at the site and let me know if you have suggestions for improvements or additions. Currently, all reports given at the meetings are posted there.

5. Afro-American Subject Headings:

A proposal from the Library of Congress to include Afro-American subject headings in our Funnel was discussed at the Fall 1998 meeting in Chicago, IL.� Cataloging Committee members generally agreed that we did not have the expertise or the manpower to take on this added responsibility.� We did agree however that we would be willing to act as mentors if anyone was interested in starting a new funnel for this subject area. A complete report of this discussion can be found at .