Africana Librarians Council


This report is not intended to be "scientific" in any way. The results of the survey should provide us with information on how the Africana Funnel Project is working (or not working), generate discussion, and help us as we look to the future.

Surveys were emailed to all participants of the Afri Funnel List. There are fourteen participants in the list, not including myself (the coordinator), my boss, and our contact at the Library of Congress (LC). Eight members of the list responded, including a participant from the Smithsonian who actually contributes directly to LC, but still desires to be a part of the list.

In addition to the surveys emailed to Afri Funnel List participants, another version of the survey was emailed to members of the ALC/Greg Finnegan list. Three responses came from people who are not catalogers and do not participate in the Funnel Project in any way.

The following pages provide the survey questions and selections of the responses.


1. Is the Africana Subject Funnel important or useful -- why or why not?

The majority of the respondents believe that the Funnel is important and useful. One respondent, who classed himself as a "list lurker," noted that, while the Funnel is not important to him personally, it is very important in the larger scheme of things; for all of us as librarians seeking to improve access to materials, etc.

2. Have you contributed to the funnel over the last 2 years?

Yes 4 + 1 respondent from Smithsonian

No 3

3. If you answered yes to question 2, please answer the following questions:

a. How often do you contribute?

b. Do you plan on continuing to contribute on a regular basis?

c. Did you get adequate feedback about your contributions?

The majority of respondents said yes, but noted a few problems:

d. Have you benefited from your participation in the funnel?

All respondents thought that they had benefited from their participation.

e. Has there been anything negative about your participation?

While some respondents felt there was nothing negative about their participation, several noted that there were some aspects of the Funnel that they did not like.

4. If you answered no to question 2, please answer the following questions:

a. Why have you not contributed to the funnel?

b. Do you anticipate contributing in the future?

c. If you do not contribute, what value do you perceive in being part of the list?

5. Are there any ways that you feel the funnel or the list should be improved or changed?

6. Please feel free to offer any other comments that have not been covered in the previous questions.


1. Is the Africana Subject Funnel important or useful -- why or why not?

2. Has anyone at your institution contributed to the funnel over the last 2 years?

Yes 2

N/A -- respondent teaches in a library school.

3. If you answered yes to question 2, please answer the following questions:

a. Who at your institution has contributed?

b. Do you encourage their participation in the funnel? If so, how?

c. Have you provided input for potential subj. Headings?

d. Have you benefited from your institution's participation in the funnel?

e. Has there been anything negative about your institution's participation?

4. If you answered no to question 2, please answer the following questions?

I>a. Why has no one from you institution contributed to the funnel?

b. If your institution does not contribute, what value do you perceive in there being a funnel?

5. Are there any ways that you feel the funnel should be improved or changed?

6. Please feel free to offer any other comments that have not been covered in the previous questions.