Application Deadline:
February 1, 2009

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GSRP Awardees
Frequently Asked Questions
Responsible NASA Official:  
Linda Rodgers   
Office of Education   

ResearchApply OnlineProgram

General Information About the NASA GSRP

What is the GSRP?
The Graduate Student Researchers Program (GSRP) is a research based fellowship program. It supports disciplines that are directly related to the space and aeronautics research and development mission of NASA. The GSRP provides a vehicle to cultivate research ties to the academic community; facilitate the continuing needs of the nation's aeronautics and space efforts; and broaden the base of students pursuing advanced degrees in science, mathematics and engineering.

How can I apply for the GSRP?
See the GSRP website for instructions on how to apply. Application Materials include:

  • On-line Application
  • 5-Page Proposal
  • Signature Forms
  • Budget
  • Official Transcripts
  • Letter of Recommendation from Faculty Research Adviser

When is the deadline to submit GSRP applications?
The deadline to submit GSRP applications is 5:00 p.m. EST, February 1.

When will applicants be notified whether or not they have been accepted into the program?
Students will be notified between May and August. For specific dates, contact the University Affairs Officer (UAO).

What is the amount of the award and what does it cover?
The total award is $30,000.The award includes a student stipend, a student allowance, and a university allowance. The student stipend of $21,000 may cover tuition, room and board, books, software, meal plans, school and laboratory supplies, and other related expenses. No equipment may be purchased with these funds. The $6,000 Student Allowance may be used for additional program related travel, and other expenses agreed upon by the student and the Faculty Research Adviser. The University Allowance of $3,000 is a discretionary award to the Research Adviser. The NASA Program Manager must approve alternative uses of GSRP funding. The GSRP is a Fellowship to support graduate education, and does not provide university overhead.

Who do I contact to see if there is equipment rental available for me, ie. underwater camera that can go to 3.7 kilometers in depth?
You should contact your faculty advisor and/or your canter technical advisor.

Approximately how many applicants apply to this program?
We are expecting in excess of 1,000 applications. The GSRP Program supports approximately 170 graduate students annually.

When will new awards begin?
The starting dated for new awards are first of July, August, or September. The starting date for renewal awards will be one year from the start of the original fellowship.

What are the GSRP Reporting Requirements?
Students who receive the GSRP Fellowship are required to enter annual program data into the NASA Education Evaluation System, currently being implemented. Guidance on how to access this system will be provided by the GSRP center coordinators.

General Eligibility Requirements

  • All applicants must be currently enrolled or admitted as a full-time graduate student in an accredited U.S. college or university.
  • Applicants must be U.S. citizens.
  • Students may apply at any time during their graduate program, or prior to receiving their baccalaureate degree, provided they have been accepted to an accredited graduate program at a U.S. college or university.
  • All applicants must have a faculty adviser from the institution where they plan to receive their graduate degree. Graduating seniors accepted by a graduate school must contact their graduate school department and request an adviser to support the NASA research funded under the GSRP.
    Identification of an Adviser is important, since the awards are made to the Research Adviser at the university on behalf of the student.

I am presently waiting for my citizenship, am I eligible to apply for the fellowship?
The GSRP supports students who are U.S. citizens while they are pursuing advanced degrees in science and engineering. U.S. citizenship is a requirement for participation in GSRP. NASA's Earth System Science Fellowship Program (ESS Fellowships) is, however, open to both U.S. and non-U.S. citizens. Prospective applicants are encouraged to contact the appropriate ESS Program Manager prior to submission of an application. ESS Applications are due on February 1, with funding beginning on September 1. Application information can be found here. Additional information concerning ESS can be found on the NASA Spacelink website.

Processing On-line Applications

Can the electronic form be saved and edited before final submission?
After the initial submission of the on-line form(s), students should be able to log on and edit any of the forms up until the deadline. After this date the forms will be closed and no further changes can be made. If problems arise, contact the GSRP technical help staff at or call (202) 479-9376.

What forms are required, in addition to the application?
A signature form must be signed by an authorizing official at the university for each GSRP application. This person is usually someone in the Office of Grants and Contracts or the Office of Sponsored Programs. Certifications are required elements of the applications, and must be signed by the university for each application. These may be downloaded from the announcement of opportunity.

I attended an institution in England for my Master's / Graduate work; how do I translate that into hours and GPAs for the online form?
Please check with your faculty advisor and your technical advisor.

Adviser Information

Who are the Center Technical Advisers and the Faculty Advisers for the GSRP?
The Center Technical Adviser is a NASA researcher and/or scientist who will provide guidance and commentary on the student's GSRP application and research. The Faculty Research Adviser is a professor from the applicant's graduate college or university who has agreed to review, sponsor, and critique the student's research.

What's the difference between the Center Technical Advisors and the Faculty Advisors?
The center technical advisors are NASA researchers and scientists who provide guidance, review and commentary on the student's research conducted at the Center. The faculty advisors are professors at the student's university. They sponsor the students and agree to provide guidance, review and commentary on the student's GSRP application and research.

Do I really need a Faculty Advisor?
As indicated in the GSRP Anouncement of Opportunity, "All applicants must have a Faculty Adviser from the institution where they plan to receive their graduate degree. Graduating seniors accepted by a graduate school must contact their graduate school department and request an adviser to support the NASA research funded under the GSRP". This requirement is also provided in the announcement of opportunity. Go to the GSRP website ( and select "Program Description". You will be taken to an overview page for the Program Description section. At the top, you can select from 4 different Program Description pages (Overview, Award Description, Eligibility and Reporting Requirements). If you select "Eligibility" a page will open with information about eligibility requirements.

Who is the University Authorizing Official?
This official is responsible for managing grants and contracts at the university. At most universities, this is usually the Director of Sponsored Research, the Director of Grants and Contracts, or the Vice President for Research and Development.

Proposal Information

Do I need a proposed research idea / subject / topic to apply to this program?
To get some ideas about a research topic you may be interested in, please see the GSRP Research Areas table and the different NASA Centers that specialize in these. A table is provided in the "NASA Centers" tab of the GSRP website detailing contact information for the GSRP Center Coordinators for the 10 NASA Centers - you are encouraged to contact them to discuss scientific topics of interest to you.

What should the proposal include and what is the format?
The proposal should include the text of the proposal, associated tables, forms, graphics and appendices, and references. The proposal should be formatted using one-inch margins at the top, bottom, left and right, printed in 12-point font and single-spaced. Detailed instructions are provided in the announcement of opportunity.

I am uncertain how to choose a NASA Center. Is it based on field of study or location of the Center?
The goal of the GSRP program is to cultivate research ties to the academic community, to help to meet the continuing needs of the nation's aeronautics and space effort by increasing the number of highly trained scientists and engineers in aeronautics and space-related disciplines, and to broaden the base of students pursuing advanced degrees in science, mathematics, and engineering. It is strongly encouraged that in the pursuit of your research, you would not only use your institution's facilities but would complete a 10 week internship at the research facilities of the NASA Center of choice since NASA Research and Development Centers are uniquely designed to provide excellence in aeronautics and space research. The requirement to submit a report on the Anticipated Use of Center or University Facilities and Resources would be your way of outlining how you hope to use both facilities to the best of your advantage and to achieve your research goals as laid out in your proposal.

Students are strongly encouraged to collaborate with a faculty member AND with a potential NASA Technical Advisor to identify a project therefore a NASA Center and Technical Advisor will have to have been contacted and will have to be cited in the proposal for the proposal to be responsive to the goals and requirements of the program.

Mail-In Documentation

I am extremely excited about the fellowship opportunity that NASA's Graduate Student Research Program provides. I am, however, having difficulty figuring out where the mailed portion of the proposal is to be sent. Am I to send 14 different copies of the signature sheet, transcripts, and official letter of recommendation? Or only two copies to each center?
Each Center processes their documents separately. The Center to which you are applying determines the address to send your documents. The last step of your online application indicates the mailing address for all the required documents.

As I understand it, I should mail only one copy of each of the necessary paperwork items?
Only one copy of all mail-in documents is required if you've applied to only one center. If you applied to two centers two copies of your documents are required with one copy mailed to each location to which you are applying.

My University does not provide transcripts for the program I participate in…this is a well known problem with this Master's program. Can I submit my degree application?
I understand that a Master's transcript may not be available, however, in order for a reviewer to give your proposal full consideration for support, there must be some data which enables the reviewer to understand the requirements you met to receive your degree.

In lieu of a transcript, documentation indicating what had to be achieved - the completion of certain courses, level of proficiency, accomplishment of specific requirements, etc. - would be appropriate.

It is important that your proposal not be at a disadvantage compared to other proposals for which complete required documentation was received.

I am in the military and as such have moved around quite a bit in the last 10 years. Must I submit an official transcript from every university/community college (12 of them), even if the classes did not go towards my B.S. degree? As a Master's student presently, the price for each transcript adds up very quickly and becomes quite heavy.
New students are required to provide an official transcript that lists all university coursework (undergraduate and graduate). Renewal students are to provide an official transcript that lists all courses taken since the previously submitted application.

Can I fax in a copy of the form or does it have to be mailed in to have the original signatures? I will be traveling and faxing / scanning / emailing would be the quickest way for me to get the form to you.
An originally signed Signature Form is required. You would be advised to fax in the signed form and then mail it in.

Who is the institutional authorizing official that normally signs for the GSRP application?
Responsible Official. Most colleges and universities have departments of sponsored research, which are responsible for helping their faculty and students to apply for grants. Someone in this department is usually responsible for signing the GSRP application as the authorizing official. Each educational institution has its own procedure for this process, so it would be best to contact your institution's department of sponsored research. Normally, however, this person would review the complete application before he/she signs it.

Internships and Other Opportunities at NASA

Are there any other educational programs besides the GSRP available at NASA?
For information regarding other opportunities at NASA, direct your attention to: , , or .

Are there any specific institutions that work in partnership with NASA educational programs?
All accredited U. S. colleges and universities may participate in the GSRP, and other NASA education programs. Other educational opportunities may be found on the NASA education website, or .

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