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Release No. 0254.07

Contact: Jean Daniel (703) 305-2286

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USDA Awards Nearly $5 Million in Grants To Increase Access
and Participation in Food Stamp Program

WASHINGTON, Sept. 20, 2007 – Acting Agriculture Secretary Chuck Conner today announced USDA will award almost $5 million in grants to Oregon, Utah, Vermont, Mississippi, Pennsylvania, Montana and Louisville/Jefferson County in Kentucky to modernize and simplify the Food Stamp Program application process for America's low-income households.

"This week, USDA commemorates the 30th anniversary of the Food Stamp Act of 1977, which charted a new course in providing nutrition assistance for millions of low-income children and families," said Conner. "Together with our partners we will continue to simplify program access while maintaining integrity in the program."

The participation grants focus on utilizing technological advances to improve customer service. Online applications can increase the number of ways applicants can access the program. Other strategies such as automated telephone services and application sites outside of the traditional social services office can make the program more accessible for the disabled and elderly.

The seven grantees are the: Oregon Department of Human Services; Utah Department of Workforce Services; Vermont Department for Children and Families; Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government in Kentucky; Mississippi Department of Human Services; Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare; and Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services.

Administered by the Food and Nutrition Service, the Food Stamp Program is the cornerstone of USDA's 15 nutrition assistance programs that forms the nation's nutrition safety net. The Program provides a vital supplement to the food budgets of 26 million low-income men, women and children each month. For more information on the Food Stamp Program and USDA, visit

Additional information about each project is available online at

Last modified: 03/27/2008