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NIOSH WorkLife Initiative

Introducing the NIOSH WorkLife Initiative

The WorkLife Initiative is the NIOSH response to the 2004 Steps to a Healthier US Workforce Symposium. That Symposium, organized by NIOSH with over 20 co-sponsors and 50 supporters, reviewed the science, economics, and current practices coordinating health protection and health promotion to improve the health of workers. Symposium participants called on NIOSH to continue to show leadership in promoting research, policy, and practice in these areas.

The first major NIOSH action in the Initiative was to issue a RFA to establish Centers of Excellence. The awards for the two new Centers for Excellence to Promote a Healthier Workforce were announced in late 2006. Each Center will receive $1 million for five years through a cooperative agreement to establish trans-disciplinary research, education, and translation programs to facilitate the integration of health protection and promotion in the workplace. The grant recipients are Dr. Laura Punnett for the Center for the Promotion of Health in the New England Workplace, at the University of Massachusetts at Lowell and Dr. James Merchant for the Healthier Workforce Center for Excellence at the University of Iowa. The Center at the University of Massachusetts Lowell will evaluate several models for integrating health promotion with occupational ergonomic and mental health interventions with a strong emphasis on worker involvement. The University of Iowa Center will investigate the effects of different integrated health protection and health promotion programs tailored to meet the needs of three different work environments. NIOSH will work with these Centers and our other partners to improve the worklife of workers through implementation of this important Worklife Initiative.

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Tanya Headley

Teri Palermo

Gregory R. Wagner, M.D.
Worklife A National Institute for Occupational Saftey and Health Initiative

Essential Elements of Effective Workplace Programs
NIOSH WorkLife Program Website
History of the WorkLife Initiative
WorkLife Symposium 2007
Contact Information