
Our Mission:

To protect and promote the rights of Kentuckians with disabilities through legally based individual and systemic advocacy, and education.

Who we are and what we do

Protection and Advocacy (P&A) is an independent state agency that was designated by the Governor as the protection and advocacy agency for Kentucky. P&A's staff includes professional advocates and attorneys. We are advocates working together with people who have disabilities to promote and protect their legal rights. Through our information and referral services, we try to answer questions about your rights under disability laws.

Michelle P. Waiver Recipient Letter

Here is a PDF of the letter of notification to medicaid recipients from Elizabeth A. Johnson, Commissioner. Also see the attached list of Community Mental Health Center contacts.

Michelle P. Waiver Regulation Published

The regulation that spells out the Michelle P. waiver program has been published. The Kentucky Department for Medicaid Services (DMS) issued the regulation on July 16, 2008 as an emergency regulation. This means that it became effective at the time it was filed with the Legislative Research Commission.

Kentucky law requires DMS to ask for and respond to public comments and to have a public hearing about the regulation.

Online Parent Involvement Survey

The Division of Exceptional Children Services and the Office of Teaching and Learning has made available an Online Parent Involvement Survey for parents of students receiving special education services. The deadline to complete the survey is August 30.

Michelle P. Case: Notice to Class and Proposed Addendum to Settlement Agreement

Please see the attached files below for information on proposed changes to the settlement agreement in the Michelle P. case.

Response to State's 8-bed ICFs-MR Proposal

Response to State's 8-bed ICFs-MR Proposal

At a time of state budget constraints and when there are nearly 3,000 individuals on the waiting list to receive supports from the Supports for Community Living
waiver, it is difficult to understand how Kentucky can find the dollars to build 8-bed ICFs-MR. Yet it is doing so by issuing $10 million in bonds along
with $400,000 in fiscal year ’09 for site preparation, and an additional $884,000 in the following fiscal year, for debt service on the new bonds. The

Long-time Disabilities Rights Advocate Appointed

Web produced by: Jessica Noll

FRANKFORT, Ky. -- Marsha Hockensmith, a long-time disabilities rights advocate, has been named the Department of Public Advocacy's Division Director for Protection & Advocacy, replacing Maureen Fitzgerald.

Voting Accessibility Surveyors Needed

Voting Accessibility Surveyors Needed

The Kentucky Disabilities Coalition is seeking individuals with disabilities to assist local Boards of Election to survey perspective locations for voting locations. The individuals will have to participate in a three hour training before they can assist in the survey process. Reimbursement for travel will be provided to the training and participants will receive $25.00 for each location they survey.

Beshear Budget Effect on Client Programs

The proposed Beshear budget for 2009 to 2010 will have big effects on programs
that are important to P&A clients. P&A staff analyzed the Health and
Family Services part. The items below will interest P&A clients. The page
numbers refer to the Official
Budget for Health and Family Services
, unless it says otherwise.

Protection & Advocacy Files Civil Rights Lawsuit Seeking to Ensure Safe Child Care for 3-Year-Old Boy

Army-Operated Child Care Program’s Refusal to Administer Emergency Epilepsy Medication, Discriminates Based on Disability

Protection & Advocacy Files Civil Rights Lawsuit Seeking to Ensure Safe Child Care for 3-Year-Old Boy, Whose Father is about to be Deployed to Afghanistan

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Copyright Protection and Advocacy 2008