fair housing and equal opportunity















(Type of Measure)


Create an Environment that Supports Teamwork and Organizational Excellence

Break the "Glass Ceiling" to help the Department "... look like America."

Increase the representation of women, minorities, and persons with disabilities at all managerial and supervisory levels, in accordance with AEP.

Increase the representation of women at the Senior Level by 0. (FY 1995 = 28.5%, FY 1996 = 37.5%.)


09/30/97 (Output)

(C) No increase required this fiscal year.




Increase the representation of minorities at the Senior Level by 0%. (FYs 1995 and 1996 = 42.9%)


09/30/97 (Output)

(C) No percentage increase required for this fiscal year.




Increase the representation of persons with disabilities at the Senior Level by 0.


09/30/97 (Output)

(C) No percentage increase required for this fiscal year.




Increase the representation of women at the Mid Level by 0.5%. (FY 1995 = 53.4%, FY 1996 = 54.2%.)


09/30/97 (Output)

(C) Women at mid-level increased by 10%.




Increase the representation of minorities at the Mid Level by 1%. (FY 1995 = 67.9%, FY 1996 = 73.8%. )


09/30/97 (Output)

(C) Minorities at the mid-level increased by 13.




Increase the representation of persons with disabilities at the Mid Level by 0.


09/30/97 (Output)

(C) No percentage increase required for this fiscal year.


Valuing the HUD Employee

Implement at least one activity of the Office's Diversity Action Plan in each of the components related to Leadership, Accountability, Community Acceptance, Personnel Administration, and Training.

Leadership activity implemented.


09/30/97 (Output)

(C) FHEO has ensured that the Departmentwide mandatory EEO/Cultural Diversity critical element and performance standards are included in the performance appraisals of all managers and supervisors.




Accountability activity implemented.


09/30/97 (Output)

(C) FHEO continuously monitors handbooks, issuances and other documents from throughout HUD to ensure that affirmatively furthering goals of the Department are included.




Community Acceptance activity implemented.


09/30/97 (Output)

(C) FHEO continuously reviews handbooks, issuances and other documents from throughout the Department to ensure that the affirmatively furthering goals of the department are being addressed.




Personnel Administration activity implemented.


09/30/97 (Output)

(C) FHEO has worked through the Deputy Secretary's office to enhance the ability of staff and clients to deal with diversity through the strong insistence of the Deputy Secretary that Senior Managers and Principal Staff promote those principles and advise FHEO of their efforts.




Training activity implemented.


09/30/97 (Output)

(C) FHEO managers and supervisors are periodically reminded of their responsibility to encourage staff to participate in Special Emphasis Program observances and activities. Staff also participates in the planning of some of the activities.























(Type of Measure)


Create an Environment that Supports Teamwork and Organizational Excellence

Implement an Effective EEO Complaint Processing Program

Promptly and efficiently process EEO allegations and complaints.

Reduce incidence of new EEO Complaints by resolving 60% of EEO Counselor contacts made during FY 1996. (FY 1996: contacts = ??, complaints filed = 7, cases resolved = 1;FY 1997: contacts = 22, complaints filed = 32, cases resolved = 1.)

FY 1998: contacts = 17, complaints filed = 10, cases resolved = 1;FY 1999: contacts = 16, complaints filed = 8, cases resolved = 1.

09/30/97 (Output)

(N) Activity in process, percentage of resolved cases will be determined next fiscal year.



Ensure compliance with EEO Statutes through impartial, fair, and early resolution of discrimination allegations and through prompt and efficient processing of EEO complaints.

Reduce aged case inventory Department wide by settling 20% of EEO Complaints filed prior to the beginning of FY 1996. (Current caseload = 104)

Current caseload = 137 (FHEO Complaint Tracking System)

09/30/97 (Output)

(N) Aged caseload has slightly increased from 99 to 137 with the expectation that a decline to occur next fiscal year.




Effectively manage the current EEO Complaint caseload by meeting established timeframes on 90% of Report of Investigation (ROI) reviews and resolution attempts, and settling 33% of cases. (Current settlement rate = 10%.)

Current settlement rate = 10%. (FHEO Complaint Tracking System)

09/30/97 (Output)

(C) Work progressing to increase the settlement rate from 10% to 33%.




Immediately implement remedies and disciplinary actions resulting from findings of discrimination and notices of questionable practices.

(FHEO Complaint Processing System)

09/30/97 (Output)

(C) Through the FHEO complaint processing system, results of findings are tracked and remedies implemented timely. This is an ongoing process.























(Type of Measure)


Reduce Racial Barriers


Provide support to Headquarters FHEO to enhance voluntary compliance with the Fair Housing Act.

(1) Develop and implement series of activities for the promotion or marketing of voluntary programs. (2) Expand partnership with mortgage lending and housing industry groups. (3) Number of additional voluntary agreements. (Fifty-nine (59) "Best Practices" Agreements were signed during FY 1996. The number of Agreements formally signed during FY 1997 (from 10/96 to 06/13/97) increased from 59 agreements to 98. There are 5 voluntary cooperative agreements.)

Ninety-six Fair Lending -- "Best Practices" Agreements and 5 national voluntary cooperative agreements. (Narrative Reports)

09/30/97 (Output)

(C) As part of a national Fair Lending --"Best Practices" Agreement with the Mortgage Bankers Association in September 1994 to negotiate 100 Agreements, HUD/FHEO has exceeded this goal. From 10/1/96 to 9/30/97, a total of 141 "Best Practices" Agreements have been signed or negotiated. The Department signed a new Fair Housing Partnership Resolution Agreement on December 5, 1996, which replaced the VAMA that existed between HUD and NAR for more than two decades. The number of national voluntary cooperative agreements other than lending remains at five.


Program Management

Provide assistance to public and private fair housing organizations to carry out projects and activities designed to enforce and enhance compliance with the Fair Housing Act and substantially equivalent State and local fair housing laws.

Grantees reporting increase in servicing of complainants and homeseekers at the community level (FHIP/FHAP conference and Regional Training once annually; provide technical assistance as requested or determined necessary by review of deliverables.)

TA to grantees to carry out enforcement programs and education/outreach more efficiently. Forms of aid: training on testing, investigation and resolution techniques (enforcement); written materials and financial assistance to groups to expand housing opportunities; assistance to organizations to enhance capacity impact; SOWS include element/task to report number of complaints/ homeseekers quarterly and in aggregate


(C) Tracking system/database to be developed to compile aggregate statistics for program as a whole. System designed 9/97 to be implemented for Field/HQs usage in 1/98. Provided training to FHIP/FHAP grantees at National and Regional sessions on enforcement and investigative techniques. Provided technical assistance and written guidance to FHIP grantees on administering their grants.



Provide assistance to public/private organizations and support to HQ FHEO regarding ADAPT matters.

Educate recipients of HUD funds--housing providers, State and local governments, etc.-of their duties under Section 504 Title II of the ADA, the Architectural Barriers Act and the Fair Housing Act.

Provide seminars, workshops, training, disseminate information; form partnerships with local building departments; aggressively seek out agencies, provide TA.

09/30/97 (Output)

(N) A tracking system is being developed to compile data to determine increase in local servicing of complainants and homeseekers.




Grantees reporting increased number of discrimination allegations and complaints resolved in the rental and homeownership market. (Complaint activity as reported by grantees.)

Track number of complaints and status from enforcement logs, TEAPOTS, GMS (Enforcement logs, quarterly/final reports, TEAPOTS, GMS.)

09/30/97 (Output)

(C) In collaboration with FHIP Working Group, a suggested format for reporting on complaint processing and testing activities has been developed, which provides data on complaints, including protected basis, issue, test results, respondent type, investigation results, referrals, award amount, and type of relief. TEAPOTS and GMS have been modified to include tracking of FHIP complaint activity.




Improved quality of discrimination testing, investigation and resolution techniques for enforcement activity. Increased number of GTR assessments providing "Good" rating for these activities. (Increased number of complaints, complaint resolutions, "Good" GTR assessments.)

Technical assistance and training on testing, investigations, and resolution techniques for enforcement testing. Rating of good performance for grants involving testing, investigations case resolutions, technical assistance, attendance by FHIP staff and grantees at FHIP/FHAP conferences.

09/30/97 (Output)

(C) Training on improving testing activity provided to grantees at annual HUD FHIP/FHAP conferences.

Make Homeownership a Reality for More Americans


Provide support and participate as sponsor of training to educate housing providers regarding compliance with the Fair Housing Act, Section 504 and the ADA.

Educate recipients of HUD funds--housing providers, State and local Governments, etc., -- of their duties under Section 504, Title II of the ADA, the Architectural Barriers Act and the Fair Housing Act.

Provide seminars, workshops, training; disseminate information; form partnerships with local building departments; aggressively seek out agencies and provide technical assistance.

09/30/97 (Output)

(C) FHIP agencies and participants in Voluntary Programs promote homeownership and provide timely information on FH Act, Section 504 and ADA on an on-going basis.




Educate recipients of HUD funds--housing providers, State and local Governments, etc., -- of their duties under Section 504, Title II of the ADA, the Architectural Barriers Act and the Fair Housing Act.

Review policies and programs, and provide written/oral input on ADAPT matters.

09/30/97 (Process)

(C) Participants in FHIP funding and Voluntary Programs address these matters on a continuing basis.



Expand "Best Practices" Agreements with financial institutions to promote homeownership among the protected classes.

Institutionalized communication between HUD and Fair Lending "Best Practices" partners.

96+ Fair Lending "Best Practices" Agreements. (Narrative reports )

09/30/97 (Output)

(C) From 10/96 to 9/97, the number of Fair Lending - "Best Practices" Agreements executed and "in principle," increased from 59 (FY 1996) to 141 (FY 1997) agreements. MBA participation at training for FHEO staff; FHEO participation at MBA Fair Housing Symposiums and seminars.




HUD and partners' joint participation in conferences and training.


09/30/97 (Outcome)

(C) Pursuant to the HUD/NAR Fair Housing Partnership Resolution, the Partners (HUD/NAR) held 3 Field partnership meetings in 1997. These meetings were held in Washington, DC, Miami, FL and Chicago, IL. Participation by MBA and NAR in HUD training of FHEO Field staff (POCCs) regarding Fair Lending - "Best Practices" Initiative and HUD/NAR Fair Housing Partnership. Participation in MBA of Minnesota's Annual Convention where the renewed Fair Lending - "Best Practices" Agreement was signed. Participation in MBA of Minnesota's Annual Convention where MBA of MN/HUD National Housing Partnership Strategy Agreement was signed. Participation in MBA Fair Housing Conference in Northern Virginia. Highlighted voluntary partnerships at HUD for a Day activities such as signing Fair Lending -- "Best Practices" Agreements and Voluntary Accords. NAR participation in training FHEO Field staff and at national training for FHAP/FHIP. Participation at NAR Fair Housing Luncheon




Partners contributed to reports and HUD-published materials.


09/30/97 (Outcome)

(C) HUD and NAR jointly developed a Fair Housing Partnership Guide to assist HUD Field staff, NAR affiliates and other members of the housing industry, local community organizations, and other interested parties in formulating local partnerships. HUD and NAR also jointly developed a model affirmative marketing plan for use by REALTORS; and related guidance material for the plan.




Mutual exchange of data and information.


09/30/97 (Outcome)

(C) HUD/NAR used the Florida partnership meeting as an opportunity to reach out and precipitate a dialogue regarding fair housing issues and concerns important to the local community by additionally hosting their first Partnership "Field" meeting on day two of this two-day meeting. HUD/MBA and Fair Lending -- "Best Practices" Agreement signatories routinely exchange data and information through formal reports and frequent informal personal and telephone contacts.

Create an Environment that Supports Teamwork and Organizational Excellence

Grant Management

Assist communities in addressing impediments to fair housing choice. Improve grantee performance reporting to determine number and type of assistance provided to persons through the FHIP grant program.

Assist and monitor all FHIP grantees and provide monitoring reports of grantee's progress. Number of FHIP grantees working with local communities to identify impediments to fair housing. Reporting by grantees on number of persons served and type of assistance rendered. (Conduct on-site monitoring of 75% of single-year open grants. Conduct on-site monitoring of 30% of multi-year open grants. Annual progress reports for approximately 140 open grants. Desk monitoring of all open grants.)

Monitor/Assist all PEI, EOI, AEI, & FHEO1 grants. Remote and on-site monitoring and progress reports for all open grants. (Quarterly/final reports)

09/30/97 (Output)

(C) Through review of deliverables and other documentation, completed desk monitoring and issued final assessment on progress reports for all grants opened during FY 1997.



Assist FHIP Grantees in addressing impediments to fair housing choice.


09/30/97 (Output)

(C) FY 97 FHIP NOFA identified specific funding category to address community tensions as persons seek to expand fair housing choice. Five grantees selected on 9/30/97 will carry out projects with this emphasis.



Conduct Civil Rights training for staff attending Community First Training at Portland State University. Develop similar training for Departmentwide broadcasts and dissemination.


09/30/97 (Output)

(C) Staff has participated in and led sessions on the History and Future of Civil Rights and Race Relations in HUD. Persons attending these sessions have been Housing, CPD, FHEO and Public Housing Directors, together with State and Area Office Coordinators and HQs SES officials.



Promote community development through partnerships with States and local communities.


09/30/97 (Output)

(C) In FY 1997, funded three local governments (Savannah, GA; Parma OH, and Memphis, TN) to conduct fair housing education and outreach activities. Education activities funded through private non-profit organizations, provided support and education to State and local communities. Through the implementation of Fair Lending - "Best Practices" Agreements with State Housing Finance Agencies, we continue to promote community development.


Enforce and enhance compliance with the Fair Housing Act and substantially equivalent fair housing laws.

Expand current automated data systems/reports to include FHIP enforcement data and other project activities results.

Improve the use or utility of FHIP data from the different FHEO automated data systems. (GMS, FACTS and CCRS)

The use of the three data systems in reporting FHIP enforcement results in two FHEO annual reports.

09/30/97 (Output)

(C) System modifications made to GMS & TEAPOTS to track FHIP funded enforcement activity.



Increase role of Field Offices in FHIP grant management.

Conduct training for Field staff and work collaboratively with Field Offices in developing FHIP policies and procedures.

11 Field Offices trained and 10 with FHIP GTM responsibilities.

09/30/97 (Output)

(C) Included staff from 3 regional areas in GMS II design sessions to ensure Field use was considered. Provided training to all Field staff involved in monitoring FHIP grantees. Circulated for comment to Field proposed FHIP policies.



Implement new initiatives to increase housing industry involvement in the reduction of discriminatory practices.

Increased involvement with the housing industry groups that are Partners in HUD's National Homeownership Strategy (NHS).

5 National Voluntary Agreements with Housing Industry groups. (Narrative Reports)

09/30/97 (Output)

(C) The HUD/NAR Partnership continues to encourage the development of local fair housing Partnerships; develop the framework for a close working relationship with other housing industry groups and community-based organizations to enhance compliance with the Fair Housing Act/substantially equivalent laws. Encouraged NAHB to apply for FHIP funding. The NAHB research arm received a national education grant. NAHB renewed active implementation of ARELLO Agreement and Fair Housing training sponsored by the South Carolina Commission on License Law Officials.




HUD and Housing Industry Groups joint participation at conferences and training.

(Narrative Reports)

09/30/97 (Outcome)

(C) Mortgage Bankers Association Conference: Miami, May 1997; Virginia, April 1997. Completed training of Field personnel (POCCs) and NAR regarding Fair Lending - "Best Practices" Initiative. Participation in MBA of Minnesota's Annual Convention where the renewed Fair Lending - "Best Practices" Agreement was signed. Participation in MBA of Minnesota's Annual Convention where the MBA of MN/HUD National Housing Partnership Strategy Agreement was signed. Jointly planned, trained, and participated in the HUD/NAR Partnership field meeting. Participation in the MBA Fair Housing Conference held in Northern Virginia.























(Type of Measure)





Increased effectiveness in processing discrimination cases by improving timeliness and effectiveness of investigations.

Using BPR strategies decrease the percentage of non-jurisdictional cases by reducing no reasonable cause and administrative closures in cases by 5% from the 1996 rate.

09/30/97 (Output)

(C) During 1997, the percentage of cases in which no reasonable cause determinations and administrative closures were made decreased by almost 15% from 1996.




Increased effectiveness in processing discrimination cases by improving timeliness and effectiveness of investigations.

Improve communication with the parties to cases by substantive contact at least every 30 days.

09/30/97 (Output)

(C) National customer services standards requiring substantive contact with the parties every 30 days implemented in May 1997 via distance learning to all staff. Monitoring on-going.




Increased effectiveness in processing discrimination cases by improving timeliness and effectiveness of investigations.

Increase the percentage of complaints which are resolved within 100 days from filing by 5% over 1996 figures.

09/30/97 (Output)

(N) The average age of closures under the new case processing system implemented in May 1997 is under 100 days, indicating likely achievement of this goal during FY 1998.




Increase the number of substantially equivalent state and local agencies and improvement of their case processing and remedial activities.

Reduce the incidence of discrimination based on race, national origin or disability by initiating at least 10 Secretary-initiated complaints or systemic investigations designed to address homeownership or low income rental housing issues. Each FHEC shall propose at least two such matters to the Office of Investigations.

09/30/97 (Output)

(N) Lack of resources, combined with national implementation of new case processing system, have impeded this initiative, which requires additional discretionary resources not available. New "doubling enforcement initiative" expected to accomplish significantly increased results.




Increased effectiveness in processing discrimination cases by improving timeliness and effectiveness of investigations.

Reduce the incidence of discrimination based on race, national origin or disability by resolving at least 35% of filed cases with findings of a violation or by conciliating cases with relief addressing correction of policies, practices or conduct alleged to be discriminatory.

09/30/97 (Output)

(C) Systemic relief provided in 45% of filed cases. Dollar amounts of relief to complainants including costs for systemic relief more than doubled.




Increase the number of substantially equivalent state and local agencies and improvement of their case processing and remedial activities.

Increase the number of state or local agencies which enforce laws which are substantially equivalent to the Fair Housing Act by 3% during FY 1997.

09/30/97 (Output)

(C) Number of equivalent agencies increased by 6% during FY 1997.




Increase the number of substantially equivalent state and local agencies and improvement of their case processing and remedial activities.

Each FHEC shall aggressively seek out at least two potential agencies and provide technical assistance in reaching equivalency status.

09/30/97 (Output)

(C) Goal accomplished by provision of technical assistance using National initiatives, including attendance at a National fair housing conference where technical assistance provided.




Increase the number of substantially equivalent state and local agencies and improvement of their case processing and remedial activities.

Matters relating to the consideration, investigation, conciliation and final determination of cases are handled consistent with Handbook guidance in at least 90% of the cases.

09/30/97 (Output)

(C) Accomplished through remote monitoring; new systemic for remote monitoring to be implemented in March 1998.



Include POCC's participation in investigation of a systemic Title VIII complaint.


09/30/97 (Output)

(C) Expanded POCC involvement in systemic investigations has been encouraged nationally through training and direction. One such involvement resulted in a nationally acknowledged Voluntary Compliance Agreement/Conciliation Agreement in Galveston, TX.



Based on a series of complaints filed by local disability rights organization, jointly investigate complaints of noncompliance with Accessibility Standards.


09/30/97 (Output)

(C) Numbers of complaints alleging design and construction violations more than doubled during FY 1997. Training and materials provided on investigation of such cases. Sixty-nine complaints were settled and 10 charges issued.



Enforce the Fair Housing Act efficiently and effectively by: 1. Assessing 100% of all claims; 2. Initiate investigations in accordance with established BPR timeframes, 100% of all complaints filed; and 3. Monitor respondent adherence to the public interest provisions of conciliation agreements.

The number of complaints processed and closed in FY 1996.

Manual count of complaints processed and closed.

09/30/97 (Output)

(C) National roll-out of new assessment procedures in May 1997; 100% of claims being assessed. BPR timeframes being met. New monitoring system to be implemented during FY 1998.



Enforce all civil rights laws for which complaints are accepted.


09/30/97 (Output)

(C) Multi-jurisdictional case processing enhancement added to TEAPOTS case system. National rollout of new system May 1997.



Strengthen current FHAP relationships and continue to develop a rapport with other State and local agencies.


09/30/97 (Output)

(C) National initiative undertaken with National FHAP conference in May 1997 attended by all agencies and many potential agencies. FHAP working group operational and new partnerships forged with associations representing FHAP agencies.























(Type of Measure)


Empower Communities

Bring back private capital, create jobs, invest in education and training and link residents with economic opportunities.

Increase economic opportunities for low- and very-low income persons through HUD housing and community development programs.

Issuance of Final Rule

(FHEO Progress Reports and Surveys HUD Program Office Performance Reports.)

11/30/96 (Outcome)

(C) Publication in January 1998.




Bring Section 3 Technical Assistance Initiative to closure and prepare final report.

1. Monitor extent to which HUD Program 0ffices increase contracts awarded to Section 3 businesses by at least 10% of the total dollar amount of the contract to building trades and 3% for all other Section 3 covered contracts. 2. HUD funds (community development and housing - including public and Indian housing) are used to empower communities, specifically to assist low- and very low-income persons and businesses in these communities. (FHEO Progress Reports and Surveys)

03/31/97 (Outcome)

(N) Reports received and are being reviewed - implementation expected March 1998.




Revision of Form HUD 60002.

(HUD Form 60002)

11/30/96 (Process)

(C) Comments being incorporated for submission to OMB.




Train HUD Field office and Headquarters staff.

Increase level of Headquarters Section 3 training and technical assistance conducted for HUD FHEO Field office staff and HUD Program Offices. (HUD Program Office Performance Reports)

12/31/96 (Outcome)

(N) Training was cancelled at Management's recommendation.























(Type of Measure)


Reduce Racial Barriers


Provide guidance to recipients to assist in the removal of impediments to mobility and choice in housing resulting from the operation of Federal programs in selected localities.

The number of Federal impediments identified and reviewed.

1. Publication of regulations on the operation of the President's Fair Housing Council (PFHC). 2. First meeting of PFHC to consider removing the identified impediments. (Analyses of Federal Impediments)

09/30/97 (Output)

(N) FHEO awarded a consultant contract to provide technical assistance but Housing has been slow getting the Regional Opportunity Counseling program started due to recipients' need to complete plans and contract with non profits; the consultant was unable to provide more than minimal assistance in FY 1997; the delay has forced postponement of PFHC meeting and issuance of regulations. Consultant contract extended to 6/30/98.



Evaluate the need to develop and issue guidance related to mortgage lending discrimination.

Increase availability to lending community of information on what constitutes lending discrimination and how to prevent it.

Publication and wide distribution of a mortgage lending regulation and associated explanatory materials, conferences and seminars. (Conferences and seminars with the lending industry)

09/30/97 (Output)

(C) Completed evaluation, no further guidance related to mortgage lending will be issued. An evaluation of the need to develop and issue regulations related to mortgage lending was completed and the Assistant Secretary concluded that promulgating such regulations in FY 1997 would not be timely. Staff of OPRI made presentations or participated as resource persons in conferences with the Mortgage Bankers Association, the Community Bankers Association, and others regarding mortgage lending discrimination.




Increase Title VIII complaint processing activity.

Increase by x% the number of mortgage lending cases processed within established time-frames. (T8 tracking system)

09/30/97 (Output)

(C) Staff of OPRI made presentations or participated as resource persons in conferences with the Mortgage Bankers Association, the Community Bankers Association and others regarding mortgage lending discrimination.



Provide guidance to selected recipients of regional opportunity grants to assist in the removal of impediments to mobility and choice in housing resulting from the operation of Federal Programs.

The number of impediments identified and reviewed.

1. Identify recipients; 2. Provide guidance; 3. Identify impediments; and 4. Meeting of PFHC


(O) 1. Completed. PFHC meeting has been delayed.























(Type of Measure)


Expand Decent and Affordable Housing for Low-Income Renters

Fair Housing Act

Increase the number of accessible units in HUD-insured condominiums and multifamily housing units/developments.

HUD-insured condos multifamily units/developments. Obtain the number of units that were insured by HUD in FY 1996.

The number of accessible units constructed as a result of on-site technical assistance and training provided. (FHA's database)

09/30/97 (Outcome)

(C) Staff conducted training and technical assistance in targeted locations.


Fair Housing Act, 504

Ensure the approval and implementation of all vacancy consolidation counseling requirements and increase the number of accessible units in HUD-insured and subsidized covered multifamily units.

HUD-insured condos multifamily units/developments. Obtain the number of units that were insured by HUD in FY 1996.

The number of accessible units constructed as a result of on-site and off-site technical assistance and training provided.

09/30/97 (Outcome)

(N) Technical assistance and training was provided.



Ensure that of all covered multifamily units in HUD-insured or assisted programs, there is an increase in the number of accessible units.


09/30/97 (Outcome)

(C) Staff monitored activities nationwide to determine increases in accessible units.



Assure that 100% of covered multifamily units in HUD-insured or HUD-assisted housing are accessible to persons with disabilities.


09/30/97 (Outcome)

(C) Monitored and provided technical assistance to promote an increase in available units.


Fair Housing Act, 504, ADA

Provide support and participate as sponsor of training to educate housing providers about compliance with ADA and Section 504.


09/30/97 (Outcome)

(C) Co-sponsored, with a FHIP grantee, the "train the trainer" occupancy training held in Santa Monica, CA. The participants of that training will conduct workshops, do outreach, conduct educational forums and disseminate information on disability rights.



Increase the number of accessible units in HUD-assisted multifamily housing projects and conduct a seminar for residents, owners, and managers of mobile home parks on the Fair Housing Act.


09/30/97 (Outcome)

(C) Made presentations and participated in seminars and conferences for residents, architects, managers and owners of mobile homes. Met with representatives of housing agencies to discuss building codes and accessibility standards. Gave quarterly training sessions to respondents, owners and managers of mobile home parks.



Expand homeownership for all underserved persons in the population, specifically for racial minorities, females and persons with disabilities through place-based strategy participation.

The number of persons with disabilities who become homeowners as documented in the National Housing Survey FY 1997. (Public workshops and training sessions that include racial minorities, persons with disabilities, and all underserved persons in the population.)

(National Housing Survey)

09/30/97 (Outcome)

(C) Staff participated and provided materials for workshops, seminars and conferences to advance homeownership for members of underserved classes. Staff provided technical assistance to housing developers, managers and architects.



Provide technical assistance and work with States and units of local Government and other interested parties (e.g., homebuilders, architects, building code officials, consumers with disabilities) to implement the new construction requirements of the Fair Housing Act.

Educate recipients of HUD funds -- housing providers, State and local Governments, etc., - of their duties under Section 504, Title II of the ADA, the Architectural Barriers Act and the Fair Housing Act.

Provide seminars, workshops, training; disseminate information; form partnerships with local building departments; aggressively seek out agencies and provide technical assistance.

09/30/97 (Outcome)

(C) Staff participated in and provided materials for workshops, seminars and conferences to advance homeownership for protected classes and to promote local partnerships to advance equal housing opportunity.

Make Homeownership a Reality for More Americans

Fair Housing Act

Expand homeownership for all underserved persons in the population, specifically for racial minorities, females and persons with disabilities through place-based strategy participation.

The number of persons with disabilities who become homeowners as documented in the National Housing Survey FY 1997.

Public workshops and training sessions that include racial minorities, persons with disabilities, and all underserved persons in the population. (National Housing Survey)

09/30/97 (Outcome)

(C) Staff participated and provided fair housing information for a variety of conferences, workshops and seminars.


Fair Housing Act and PD&R Research Project

Collect data on privately-owned, newly-constructed housing to determine compliance with Title VIII.

Survey Instrument

Results of survey.

09/30/97 (Outcome)

(N) Survey instrument developed.



Provide technical assistance and work with States and units of local Government and other interested, parties (e.g., homebuilders, architects, building code officials, consumers with disabilities) to implement the new construction requirements of the Fair Housing Act.

Educate recipients of HUD funds -- housing providers, State and local Governments, etc. - of their duties under Section 504, Title II of the ADA, the Architectural Barriers Act and the Fair Housing Act.

Provide seminars, workshops, training; disseminate information; form partnerships with local building departments; aggressively seek out agencies and provide technical assistance.

09/30/97 (Outcome)

(C) Staff provided fair housing information for a variety of conferences, workshops and seminars.

Reduce Racial Barriers

Title VI

Initiate investigation in cases involving racial harassment within 5 days of receipt.

Receipt of notification of racial harassment.

Investigative team on-site within 5 days.

09/30/97 (Outcome)

(C) Investigative team has been and will continue to be dispatched in a timely manner.




Receipt of notification of racial harassment.

Investigate team on-site within 30 days unless there is a potential Section 901 violation, in which case the on-site will commence within 5 days.

09/30/97 (Outcome)

(C) Investigative team has been dispatched in a timely manner.



Initiate investigation in cases involving racial harassment.

Receipt of notification of racial harassment.

Initiate investigation in cases of harassment involving any protected basis consistent with Prompt Judicial Action (PJA) and Section 901 guidance in 90% of the cases.

09/30/97 (Outcome)

(C) Staff initiated investigations, as required.


Section 109, ADA, Title VI, Section 504.

Monitor high profile VCAs, Allocation Plans, and Conciliation Agreements.

List of active Compliance Agreements and target dates.

Monitoring reports documenting implementation and target dates.

09/30/97 (Outcome)

(C) Monitoring is ongoing. At least 11 monitoring reviews were conducted this fiscal year.




Coordination between large and small POCCs to assure the implementation of appropriate actions.

Large POCC to provide technical assistance and training to small POCC.

09/30/97 (Outcome)

(C) Headquarters worked with large POCCs on procedures to train and provide technical assistance to small POCCs, some training was conducted.



Enforce the Fair Housing Act efficiently and effectively by obtaining appropriate relief for members of the protected classes.

Increased effectiveness in processing discrimination cases, by improving timeliness and effectiveness of investigations and in seeking remedies which will expand housing alternatives.

Using BPR strategies, reduce average case processing time in Title 8 investigations by 10% from the 1996 time.

09/30/97 (Outcome)

(C) Since national implementation of case processing system (TEAPOTS) average case processing time has dropped by 9.1% from the same time during the previous year.

Create an Environment that Supports Teamwork and Organizational Excellence

Title VI, Section 109, ADA, Section 504

Enforce the civil rights requirements of HUD by conducting compliance reviews which include Assisted Housing and CDBG recipients.

The number of compliance reviews in FY '96.

Manual count of compliance reviews conducted.

09/30/97 (Output)

(C) Staff conducted compliance reviews. These 141 compliance reviews included Assisted Housing and CDBG recipients.



Coordinate monitoring activities with Mid-Atlantic large POCC, where appropriate. Monitoring reviews where violations of CRRPRs are found will be the number of compliance reviews initiated or coordinated with Mid-Atlantic POCC, Compliance Division.


09/30/97 (Process)

(C) Monitoring reviews were coordinated with Field Offices, as required.



Cooperate with the large POCC to conduct two compliance reviews - 1 Title VI review; 1 Section 504 compliance review.


09/30/97 (Output)

(C) These compliance reviews were conducted.



Enhance coordination between POCC, FHEC and large POCC.


09/30/97 (Output)

(C) Activities were undertaken to enhance coordinated approaches to efforts of the three entities.



Enforce the civil rights requirements of HUD by conducting compliance reviews which include Assisted Housing and CDBG recipients via OJT with the Ft. Worth POCC.


09/30/97 (Output)

(C) One compliance review was conducted.



Assist the Kansas/Missouri POCC with a proposed Title VI Compliance review. (Kansas/Missouri POCC to prepare written report.)


09/30/97 (Output)

(C) On-going, Headquarters has assisted the POCC with three Environmental Justice reviews.



When appropriate, based on monitoring of PHAs for Section 504 compliance, prepare VCAs for execution. (Activity to be coordinated with Compliance Division of Kansas/Missouri POCC.)


09/30/97 (Output)

(C) VCAs were developed, as appropriate.



Assist Kansas/Missouri POCC Compliance Division with conduct of Section 504 Compliance reviews.


09/30/97 (Output)

(C) Compliance reviews were conducted.


Title VI, Section 109

Develop and disseminate Title VI Handbook and Section 109 Regulations.

To increase the effectiveness of complaint investigations and compliance reviews.

Title VI Handbook Section 109 Regulations

09/30/97 (Outcome)

(N) Contract for Title VI Handbook was canceled. Proposed 109 has been cleared by the Department of Justice and is at the White House Commission on Race before publication in the Federal Register.

Assist Homeless Persons and Families


Assure that 100% of HUD funded or assisted shelters that are monitored are accessible to persons with disabilities or that corrective actions are taken for handicapped accessibility.

Monitor x number of shelters at each entitlement community monitored on-site. Number of inquiries received.

100% of targeted shelters will be monitored.

09/30/97 (Output)

(C) Monitored entitlement cities and Emergency Shelter Grant Program, which serves the homeless.



Investigate 100% of all homeless jurisdictional complaints.

Number of jurisdictional complaints received.


09/30/97 (Output)

(C) Investigations were conducted.



Ensure that 100% of all consolidated plans identify and address the needs of homeless persons.


Number of consolidated plans reviewed.

100% of plans submitted.

09/30/97 (Output)

(C) Consolidated plans were reviewed for entitlement communities.



HOPWA - 100% of inquiries will be referred to resources. Assure HOPWA projects are accessible.


09/30/97 (Output)

(C) Inquiries related to HOPWA projects were routinely reviewed.























(Type of Measure)


Expand Decent and Affordable Housing for Low-Income Renters

Ensure the approval and implementation of all Vacancy Consolidation counseling and Regional Opportunity Counseling Programs.

Monitor and ensure that the providers of opportunity counseling programs are meeting the goals stated in their counseling plans.

The number of families counseled during the first year that took the opportunity to move from high-poverty to lower-poverty areas.

The number of families counseled and the percentage of counseled families that moved into lower-poverty areas. (MTCS: Quarterly activity counseling reports.)

09/30/97 (Output)

(C) Monitoring has been completed and the data from the POCCs are currently being analyzed so that a final annual report can be produced.



Plan and conduct the Second Annual Maryland Civil Rights Summit during Fair Housing Month -- April 1997.

Educate the public on Civil Rights, provide solutions to volatile Civil Rights problems in the State -- issues relating to public resistance to Moving to Opportunity and other mobility counseling problems and instances of hate crimes in various sections of state.


09/30/97 (Output)

(C) The seminar was conducted by the Baltimore POCC in April 1997.




Increase the number by ??% during the following years.


09/30/97 (Output)

(N) This goal is a mult-year goal. No information has been received.



Develop a base of knowledge upon which appropriate advertising and outreach may be undertaken.


09/30/97 (Output)

(C) A data base has been developed for use by jurisdictions in advancing housing opportunities for low income renters.



Continue to work with PHAs and other low income housing providers to ensure that clients are provided counseling (mobility) on moving from high poverty areas to low poverty areas.


09/30/97 (Output)

(C) Field Office staff has worked with PHAs and other low income housing providers to assist in expanding low income housing options.



Assist providers of counseling programs in meeting the goals to relocate families to low poverty areas and encourage economic self-sufficiency.


09/30/97 (Output)

(C) Staff provided on-site technical assistance to low income housing providers.



Ensure that low and very low income persons participate in the benefits and opportunities to relocate to improved housing choices and opportunities.


09/30/97 (Output)

(C) The Field Office staff has met this goal through periodic and targeted monitoring activities.



Provide technical assistance to funded PHAs and participating non-profits.


09/30/97 (Output)

(C) Technical assistance has been provided to targeted PHAs and non-profits and continues to be done on an on-going basis.


Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing

Monitor and ensure that assisted housing providers/HOME participating jurisdictions (PJs) implement their Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing plans/strategies.

Number of assisted housing providers and HOME PJs who make "good faith efforts" to carry out their Affirmative Marketing Plans/HOME affirmative marketing strategies.

Review (monitoring and technical assistance activities) implementation


(C) Field Offices provided technical assistance to assisted housing providers with regards to appropriate outreach to be carried out in order to achieve racial/ethnic diversity in the assisted housing projects. Additionally, Field Office staff made efforts to ensure persons with disabilities are informed of potential housing opportunities as assisted housing providers consistently omit outreach to disability groups/organizations in their Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plans. In addition, monitoring was conducted for HOME participating jurisdictions. During these visits data was reviewed that showed how applicants had applied for, participated in, or benefited from any program or activity funded by the HOME program. The use of minority-owned and female-owned businesses was reviewed, as well as actions to affirmatively further fair housing and their Affirmative Marketing strategies.


Section 8 Certificate/Voucher Program Conforming Rule (24 CFR 982)

Monitor and ensure compliance with Civil Rights Related Program Requirements (CRRPRs) in HUD programs.

Number of PHAs monitored and provided technical assistance on administrative plan CRRPRs and certifications.

Determine the extent of compliance with the Section 8 Certificate/Voucher Program CRRPRs. Increase the number of PHAs that are administering the Section 8 Certificate/Voucher Programs. CRRPRs in a satisfactory manner by ??%. (Results of monitoring and technical assistance activities.)

09/30/97 (Output)

(C) Field Offices provided technical assistance where needed and monitored communities and housing authorities for compliance with CRRPRs in HUD programs. This caused sanctions to be taken against some communities which resulted in the suspension of Federal funds from various agencies on the basis of the failure to comply with civil rights requirements in their programs.




Number of PHAs monitored and provided technical assistance on administrative plan CRRPRs and certifications.

Establish the number of HOPE VI PHAs that: implement non-discriminatory site selection policies for off-site replacement housing; bring about through counseling. (Results of monitoring and technical assistance activities.)

09/30/97 (Output)

(C) Field Offices reviewed site selection policies for HOPE VI grantees to determine if site selection policies were consistent with HUD's regulations.



Monitor on-site 3 PHAs and provide technical assistance on administrative plan CRRPRs and certification in the Section 8 Voucher/Certificate Program.


09/30/97 (Output)

(C) Field staff provided technical assistance to three PHAs as required as well as monitored one PHA that has HOPE VI money. The monitoring involved additional participation by Field staff in meetings to ensure that the community's concerns were addressed by the PHA and HUD with respect to any relocation issues arising during HOPE VI demolition project activities.



Monitor on-site 1 PHA that has a HOPE VI grant; determine PHA outreach/counseling to bring about increased housing choice for affected residents.


09/30/97 (Output)

(C) The target PHA was monitored.



Expand Fair Housing choice for Section 8 Certificate and Voucher holders of the larger PHAs.


09/30/97 (Output)

(C) Technical assistance and training was provided to staff and PHAs to expand housing choice.



Participate on the Place and Area Based Strategy Teams with the Cleveland HUD staff to resolve issues and concerns raised by the local communities in the Cleveland jurisdiction.


09/30/97 (Output)

(C) Staff participated on such teams, the purpose of which was to work with local CDBG communities to identify and resolve major problems.



Provide technical assistance to increase the opportunity for the deconcentration of Section 8 certificate and voucher holders.


09/30/97 (Output)

(C) Technical assistance was provided.



Ensure that a holistic Community First, Place Based Strategy is developed with the stakeholders in the City of Columbus and Franklin County to solve the problems associated with the expiration of Section 8 contracts.


09/30/97 (Output)

(C) Staff was involved in community first training and worked with local offices to advance the community first approach in developing solutions to local problems. Staff collected and is analyzing data describing locations of assisted housing and which Section 8 developments will be affected by expiring contracts within next 5 years. Team working with local community to develop strategy to resolve problems.



Ensure that Section 8 programs and Public Housing programs are accessible to persons with disabilities.


09/30/97 (Output)

(C) Monitoring was completed on 19 PHAs focusing on compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 which requires accessibility for persons with disabilities in Federally funded programs. As a result of this monitoring, two VCAs were executed to ensure that a portion of the PHA's public housing units were made physically accessible. In addition, with the excellent support from HUD's Public Housing staff, 90 housing authorities, comprising 98% of the public housing units in Nebraska are in basic compliance with the law and nearly 8% of all public housing units in Nebraska are now accessible for persons who use wheelchairs.



Monitor and provide technical assistance to PHAs to expand decent and affordable housing for low-income renters, and to enhance compliance with Civil Rights Related Program Requirements in HUD programs.


09/30/97 (Output)

(C) Staff is carrying out a schedule of technical assistance and monitoring visits to targeted sites.



In ensuring compliance with civil rights in the Section 8 Certificate/Voucher program, coordinate to determine whether a Secretary Initiated or Systemic complaint should be developed.


09/30/97 (Output)

(C) The FHEC presently has in its inventory, as a systematic case, seven FH Act complaints filed against an apartment project in Renton, WA. In a civil action brought on behalf of a class that includes these complainants, the Federal district court granted in part the plaintiff's motion for summary judgment, barring the complex owners from terminating participation in the Section 8 program until its bond agreement with the State Housing Finance Agency had expired.

Reduce Racial Barriers

Litigation Settlements

Ensure that the FHEO requirements of Consent Decrees are accomplished.

Completion of all FHEO-related consent decree provisions, e.g., mobility counseling RFPs, fair housing service centers, CDBG-related items such as equalization of conditions in affected neighborhoods.

Ensure that all of the consent decree provisions for which FHEO is responsible are implemented during first year, e.g., fair housing service centers, waiting lists, outreach to assisted housing providers, etc.; reduce the number of provisions not completely implemented by ??% the following year. (Monitoring and other quarterly reports submitted to the court.)

09/30/97 (Output)

(N) In general, court ordered remedies for those desegregation cases involving HUD as a party which include demolition, replacement housing, scattered site evaluations, Mobility Counseling, physical and social equalization measures, waiting list initiatives and revision of Tenant Selection and Assignment Plans are all well underway. HOPE VI applications are being processed, where applicable to the case requirements. Field Offices in those jurisdictions where court orders are in place are monitoring the progress of the implementation of the remedial activities and providing periodic reports to HUD HQs.



Coordinate monitoring activities with large and small POCCs.

The large POCC will provide technical assistance and training as appropriate.


09/30/97 (Output)

(C) Large POCCs have trained and provided TA as required.



Work to assist in the voluntary resolution of the lawsuit against the Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles (HACLA).

Help to formulate and implement strategies to achieve immediate remedies sought by the plaintiffs and to eliminate the causes for conflict; to eliminate the barriers that contribute to the inequality in housing and economic opportunities for residents of the housing operated by HACLA.

Ensure that all action taken will help eliminate barriers that contribute to the inequality in housing and economic opportunities of the residents.

09/30/97 (Output)

(C) HQs and Field staff worked with local fair housing and community organizations assisting in the completion of required consent decree activities.

Empower Communities

Ensure jurisdiction compliance with the affirmatively furthering fair housing certification requirements (24 CFR 91) contained in Consolidated Plans.

Continue to evaluate the quality/ appropriateness of the Analyses of Impediments (AIs) from assisted communities in responding to their fair housing situation.

Number of : 1. jurisdictions that have completed AIs; 2. Impediments identified by jurisdictions nationwide and in each area of POCC responsibility; and 3. Jurisdictions that are actively implementing their Action Plans to eliminate impediments.

(Information contained in the AIs and the Annual Performance Reports.)

09/30/97 (Output)

(C) Field Offices reviewed the AI and gave technical assistance where warranted. In addition, Action Plans for communities were evaluated on-site to determine whether activities have been implemented to eliminate impediments to fair housing choice While most communities tended to make "good faith" efforts to carry out their AIs some required additional technical assistance. Most technical assistance provided required that Field staff explain the role/need of the Action Plan and its relation to the AI and Fair Housing Planning.



Assist local jurisdictions in meeting civil rights related program requirements and implementing Action Plan activities to eliminate impediments to Fair Housing choice.


09/30/97 (Output)

(C) The Field Office goal was to monitor on-site 25% of all local jurisdictions not actively implementing Action Plans to eliminate impediments. AIs were reviewed during this monitoring and technical assistance given to those cities needing additional clarification or assistance in either preparing their plan or implementing their Action Plans.



Monitor on-site 2 CDBG jurisdictions that have completed their AI; evaluate the quality of the AI and Annual Performance Reports and how cities are implementing Fair Housing planning.


09/30/97 (Process)

(C) This Field Office staff monitored two CDBG jurisdictions and evaluated the quality of their AI and performance reports. Where concerns arose, technical assistance was given to assist the jurisdictions in implementing their AI goals. In addition, this Field Office reviewed 10 Annual Performance Reports and provided technical assistance where needed.



Review the Analyses of Impediments from assisted communities to determine conformance to established guidelines found in Fair Housing Planning Guide Volumes 1 and 2.


09/30/97 (Output)

(C) This Field Office staff has reviewed the AIs that have been submitted and each was found to be deficient in some form. Technical assistance was provided to the localities and the grantees in question continue to amend their deficient AIs to make them adequate under the Fair Housing Planning guides. To provide better service and assistance to their grantees, the POCC and the CPD Division formed a partnership and have established consultation meetings with the jurisdictions at various times during the year. To date, all 16 grantees in this local POCC jurisdiction have had their consultation partnership meetings.



Assure that entitlement communities develop measurable action plans to address identified fair housing impediments.


09/30/97 (Output)

(C) The St. Louis POCC technical assistance with a local entitlement grantee has resulted in litigation by a local private fair housing organization against five realty firms for steering. Real estate testing activity was conducted on two occasions funded by CDBG funds as a part of the city's AI plan. City council has voted to take actions against the realty firms. Nebraska POCC has completed its technical assistance and monitoring goals. Technical assistance included providing maps from the new software package to the community directors and monitoring visits to provide technical assistance to the State with respect to its AI. In addition, the Field Office mailed out technical assistance material to the community development directors of 11 cities in Iowa and Nebraska, the purpose being to provide further technical assistance regarding the continued development and implementation of each city's AI to Fair Housing Choice.



Provide technical assistance to metropolitan/entitle- ment jurisdictions in the development of the AI.


09/30/97 (Output)

(C) Technical assistance visits were conducted.



Increase economic opportunities for low- and very low-income persons through HUD housing and community development programs.

Process Section 3 complaints in 120 days of receipt and conduct Section 3 compliance reviews.

Monitor recipients to determine increase in contracts awarded to Section 3 businesses by at least 10% of the total dollar amount of contracts to building trades and 3% for all other Section 3 covered contracts.

09/30/97 (Outcome)

(C) Recipients are being monitored. Reports to be evaluated.




Provide technical assistance and training to recipients, contractors, residents and other HUD Field Program Offices.

Conduct Section 3 training and technical assistance for FHEO and other Program offices.

09/30/97 (Outcome)

(N) Planned training was cancelled and needs to be rescheduled.




Submit a summary report of Section 3 activities on a quarterly basis.

HUD funds are used to empower communities, specifically, to assist low- and very low-income persons and businesses in the communities. (community development and housing -- including public and Indian housing)

09/30/97 (Outcome)

(C) Summary reports have been developed and are being reviewed at HQs.




Forward a copy of Form HUD 60002 to Headquarters in accordance with 24 CFR 135.90 and the Section 3 How-To-Guide.

Measure appears in Secretary's Goals PPA for FY '96 and in Goals, Objectives and Performance Measurements of Program Offices from FY '97.

09/30/97 (Outcome)

(C) Field staff routinely submit reports to HQs for evaluation of program progress.



Facilitate coordination between PHAs, entitlement communities, and states to create jobs and training opportunities for low income residents and businesses.


09/30/97 (Output)

(C) Coordinated and provided technical assistance to create jobs and training opportunities.



Coordinate monitoring activities with large and small POCCs.

The large POCC will provide technical assistance and training as appropriate.


09/30/97 (Output)

(C) Technical assistance and/or training was provided by large program operations and compliance center staff as requested and in targeted areas.



Increase the awareness and understanding of HUD grantees regarding successful Section 3 approaches available by providing training and technical assistance on Section 3.


09/30/97 (Output)

(C) Information on successful Section 3 efforts was provided to grantees.



Monitor annual compliance of recipients by collection of HUD Form 60002.


09/30/97 (Process)

(C) Monitoring completed; forms submitted to HQs.



Refer all instances of program noncompliance and violations for full compliance reviews.


09/30/97 (Output)

(C) All instances were referred.


Strengthen Consolidated Plan Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Certification Requirements

Amend 24 CFR Part 570 on the criteria for an acceptable Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Certification.

Criteria involving the AI as the basis for accepting the affirmatively furthering certification.

Publication in the Federal Register of Amendments for public comment and final rule.

03/31/97 (Output)

(C) Regulation through Departmental clearance. It is now being prepared for publication in the Federal Register as a proposed rule.

Assist Homeless Persons and Families


Every American citizen must have the opportunity for safe, decent and affordable housing. Work with grantees, recipients and other organizations to achieve mutual goals. Establish a network to promote and monitor results of grantee activities and programs specially designed for subject category.

Network will be established to promote and monitor results of grantee activities and programs designed for subject category.

The number grantees provided technical assistance and the results of this technical assistance.

09/30/97 (Output)

(C) As a result of the networking efforts, one entitlement community asked the Fair Housing Partnership of Greater Pittsburgh to be a member of a Housing coalition which they are forming. Another city asked the Urban League of Pittsburgh to be part of a radio interview. Another nonprofit asked the Fair Housing partnership to counsel them on testing.



Increase the awareness of sponsors of housing for the homeless and their clients of their housing rights by conducting a seminar.

The number of participants attending seminar.

The percentage of persons who participated in seminar who attempt to address the issue of homelessness in their jurisdiction.

09/30/97 (Output)

(N) The POCC and FHEC were coordinating a joint seminar with the CPD Homeless Coordinator. CPD did not conduct the seminar this fiscal year as planned and no funds were available to do a separate seminar. The seminar was to have provided training to homeless providers on how to coach individuals on their rights as they transition into permanent housing.

Create an Environment that Supports Teamwork and Organizational Excellence

Report to Assistant Secretary regularly on major priorities.

Establish uniform reporting systems for Field to Headquarters on the status of the Analyses of Impediments to Fair Housing choice, Litigation Settlements and Section 504 activities.

Reporting on: a. Number of Analyses of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice completed, monitored and improved; b. Status of execution of all Litigation Settlements; c. Status of Section 504 activities by all HUD recipients, e.g., transition plans, needs assessments.

Implement the automated reporting systems so that the Assistant Secretary personally can access them.

09/30/97 (Output)

(N) Work is underway to complete the tracking systems and will be completed in one year.


Increase the technological capabilities of Field staff.

Give technical assistance to Field staff on the Housing Planning Analysis (HPA) software.

Effective use of the HPA software by all Field staff.


09/30/97 (Process)

(C) Technical assistance has been given to all Field Offices on the use of the HPA software which will allow them to map areas of concern to better assist communities in the preparation of their AIs.


Monitoring Guidebooks

Prepare and issue monitoring guidebooks to the Field.

Equip Field staff with adequate guidance.

Prepare monitoring guidance on: a. monitoring the Community Development Block Grant Program; and b. Public Housing Monitoring (update HUD Handbook 8004.1)

09/30/97 (Output)

(N) Due to major HQs and Field reorganization, which changed functions of Field responsibilities, this activity is on hold pending the results of the HUD reorganization.


Program Review Guidance Materials to the Field.

Issue Program Review Guidance Materials.

Equip Field staff with adequate front-end review guidance materials.

Issue program review guidance materials on: a. the Section 202/811 programs; b. the Section 8 Certificate/Voucher conforming rule; and c. the review of the Annual Action Plan submitted by Consolidated Plan jurisdictions.

02/01/97 (Output)

(C) Section 202/811 guidance has been written. Other guidance is on hold pending results of HUD reorganization.


Administration of Opportunity Counseling Programs.

Train and equip Field, non-profit organizations and PHA staffs in the administration of the Regional Opportunity, Vacancy Consolidation, and Litigation Counseling Programs.

Conduct training and publish Handbook.

1. Conduct training session using satellite distance learning for Field staff; 2. Conduct a conference for PHAs and non-profit third parties on Regional Opportunity and Vacancy Consolidation Counseling; and 3. Revise draft Fair Housing Counseling handbook.

09/30/97 (Output)

(C) Distance Learning for Field staff has been conducted. A conference was conducted for PHAs and non-profit third parties on Regional Opportunity and Vacancy Consolidation Counseling. The guidebook has been revised and is to be published.


















Fair Housing Initiatives Program

There are a large number of open FHIP grants which require careful monitoring of their activities, financial systems and other grant-related tasks; FHEO field staff are responsible for conducting on-site monitoring, but have limited time and resources; there is a lack of automated systems to support monitoring activities.

Develop automated systems which provides real-time interaction between HQs and field staff on monitoring activities. Provide training to staff involved in monitoring FHIP grants. Develop and provide written guidance to both FHEO staff and grantees on grants issues.


(C) Developed 2nd phase of Grants Management System which built on data entered in Phase I (pre-award process) and permits tracking of grantee performance on project tasks, as well as other administrative information. The system will provide real-time interaction between field and HQs and include automated monitoring reports. Design completed in 9/97 with implementation scheduled for 1/98. Provided training to FHEO field staff responsible for monitoring FHIP grantee performance and activities. Projected participation of field and HQs staff in HUD-wide grants training conducted in 08/97. Developed and published monitoring guide for field staff to use in conducting on-site.

Disability Design and Construction Requirements

As illustrated by the number of technical assistance (TA) requests from Headquarters' staff, Field Offices' staff, architects, builders, and homeowners, there continues to be a serious misunderstanding of the design and construction requirements of the Fair Housing Act (24 CFR 14, et al).

Provide design and construction training for Headquarters' staff, Field Offices' staff, and TA to architects, builders, homeowners and consumers. Headquarters will visit each of the 10 large POCCs\FHECs over 2 years and train them on the Fair Housing Act's Design and Construction requirements. Visits will emphasize how to conduct design and construction investigations under the Act. The training will prepare staff members from the 10 large POCC's and FHEC's to provide TA and training to builders, architects, housing providers, consumers and the public. Visit should last from 3 to 5 days or more depending on observed need.


(C) On-site training has begun for Field Offices. The Disability Rights Office visited one Field Office and trained personnel in conducting design and construction investigations. We are also exploring the possibility of conducting a distance learning training conference with Field Office staffs to accomplish this objective.

Designating Housing for Mixed Populations

Designation of housing for mixed populations is resulting in the significant loss of access to public housing units for persons with disabilities. More than 20,000 public housing units have been designated for elderly only, while only 20 units have been designated for the disabled only.

Prepare FHEO Field staff to provide technical assistance on allocation plans to PHAs, advocates, consumers the public; and to monitor and review plans.


(C) Assisted PIH in the presentation of information about the allocation plan process at training sessions for FHEO and PIH staff scheduled from July 1997 through November 1997. Designated and trained 5 Field Office staff to take over Headquarters review function for allocation plans. This will correspond to similar plans in PIH. Provided training to Field Office staff on monitoring allocation plans during the May 1997 FHEO distance learning program.

Quality Assurance Plan (QAP)

The Inspector General cited data reliability/integrity of performance measures as one management concern. To meet GPRA requirement, "Annual Performance Plans and Reports," item (6), a framework for QAP was proposed.

The QAP in FY 1997 and subsequent years must be approved by the Office of the CFO and ensure the following: (1) Validation of Performance Measures should include assessment and assurance of (a) compatibility with HUD's mission and priorities, and (b) correlation and prediction of desired outcomes. (2) Determination and Review of Data Sources must identify baseline data sources for each performance measure; baseline data should be identified as the best available source of information, and performance data requirements must be a part of systems development and systems integration plans. (3) Testing of Baseline Data Sources should be on a reasonable basis, within acceptable cost/benefit ratio. (4) Certification of the implementation of a QAP to ensure items 1 through 3 above must be submitted to the CFO from A/S or equivalent. (5) Reporting -- the report must be submitted to the CFO. It should include results of implementing the QAP and any proposed modifications to performance measures or data sources as well as modification to QAP.


(C) Submitted.