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Home arrow News Room arrow News Releases arrow NR05-11 - Native Alaskan Firm receives $6.2 million contract...
NR05-11 - Native Alaskan Firm receives $6.2 million contract... Print
Written by Dr. Fred-Otto Egeler   
Thursday, 03 March 2005

ImageNews Release 05-11
US Army Corps Of Engineers
March 3, 2005 Immediate

Dr. Fred-Otto Egeler
Telephone: (213) 452-3920
Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Native Alaskan Firm receives $6.2 million contract for military housing at Fort Irwin
FORT IRWIN, Calif.-The U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Los Angeles District has issued a contract to Alutiiq Manufacturing Contractors, LLC, of Anchorage, Alaska for $6.2 million to provide 34 temporary soldier housing for California National Guard soldiers here.

Officials at Ft. Irwin requested the temporary housing to provide soldiers of the California National Guard 540th Main Support Battalion who have been activated and stationed here to provide Corps level logistics in support of the National Training Center. The 11th ACR has been deployed to fight the Global War on Terrorism, but individual soldiers did not vacate their barracks on post, as the 11th ACR is expected to return to Ft. Irwin.

"In addition, we will be doing some infrastructure repair of existing facilities that could have been used for the Guardsmen," said Randi Elder, the Corps project manager at Ft. Irwin who will over see the project.  "We want the best billeting we can have for these citizen soldiers."

The temporary sites for the barracks will have to be prepared and utilities installed for connection to the temporary structures and Laundromats.  "Each of the structures will be fully furnished as part of the contract issued to Alutiiq," Elder said.

The 11th ACR normally serves as the opposing force for units coming to train at in the desert at Ft. Irwin.  Even though the 11th ACR has been deployed, the training cycle will continue since the National Guardsmen are substituting for the 11th ACR as the opposing force.


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