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Caitlin Cunningham
Chisago City, MN - Class of 2010
MAJOR: Marine Environmental Science

FAVORITES: Food Jalapeno Poppers, Ice Cream  Books The Mark of the Lion Series and Redeeming Love (both by Francine Rivers)  Sports Wakeboarding, Snowboarding/Skiing  Bands Skillet, Falling Up, Tim McGraw  Role Models Jesus Christ, my parents


APRIL 2008

April 09

As the summer approaches, I am one step closer to transitioning from a third class cadet, mentoring the underclass, to a second class cadet, leading them. This summer I will be Academy Introduction Mission (AIM) cadre for three weeks in July.  AIM is a week long summer program that introduces high school students in between their junior and senior years to Swab Summer life. Every time I think about this summer, I get excited. I cannot wait to take on the leadership position that awaits me. I remember when I went to AIM myself three long years ago. It inspired me to come to the Academy and greatly impacted my future. I want to motivate the AIMsters as much as my cadre did for me.

Since returning from Spring Break, the school year has been continually winding down. For me, it could not go by fast enough; I cannot wait until the summer! This time of year not only brings end of the year projects and final exams, but also the class formals. The formals are dances put on for each class. The 3/c formal is this weekend; it should be a great time, especially since we get overnight liberty on Saturday. Everyone is making plans to celebrate the end of the school year and get off of Academy grounds.

This past weekend, the class of 2010 went out to various parks and did community service. Each park had about thirty cadets cleaning it up. We are required to complete 8 hours of community service each semester, so this was a good opportunity to serve and fulfill this requirement. The park I went to was a playground for a local school. We raked leaves around the entire park and compiled them into bags, which were collected by park services. It was very cold, but to our surprise an ice cream truck was making its round of the area. We heard the distinct music from the truck when it stopped just outside of our park. Everyone took a break from working because one of my classmates bought treats for us. It didn’t matter to us if the ice cream was making us colder, we enjoyed the snack!

The longer I am at the Academy, the more apparent it is to me how great the people are. The relationships I have made here are irreplaceable. Without my friends, I would not succeed. They are the ones who put the smile on my face after a rough day. They are the ones I share my thoughts and feelings with. My friends continually bring support and humor to every situation. I do not know what I would do without them. I am so thankful for everything I have been blessed with in the past few years of my life.


3/c Caitlin Cunningham





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