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Caitlin Cunningham
Chisago City, MN - Class of 2010
MAJOR: Marine Environmental Science

FAVORITES: Food Jalapeno Poppers, Ice Cream  Books The Mark of the Lion Series and Redeeming Love (both by Francine Rivers)  Sports Wakeboarding, Snowboarding/Skiing  Bands Skillet, Falling Up, Tim McGraw  Role Models Jesus Christ, my parents



Not only have I grown to drink an incredible amount of coffee (and end up staying awake late at night), desperately need a massage, and looked forward to every weekend like it could never come this semester, but I realized that the longer you are at the Academy, the faster time flies. This semester is ending soon. The past few weeks have been filled with papers, speeches, and projects in every class. Finals are approaching and I all I can think about is going home in a few weeks. I can’t wait to see my family, relax by the fireplace with a book and some hot, Minnesotan apple cider. It will be nice to go home; walk around my lake; breathe cold, crisp air; and do absolutely nothing.

My Thanksgiving leave was spent in Massachusetts this year. It was the first time I didn’t go home to Minnesota. I stayed with one of my very good friends and her family. It was interesting participating in someone else’s traditions for the holiday – I really enjoyed it. We ran a 5K called the Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving morning to benefit a local food shelter and when we returned from the run, everyone crashed and slept until the afternoon. After we regained our energy, we played tackle football and ate a huge turkey dinner. The weekend after Thanksgiving, I drove up to Vermont to stay with another friend. She has a house right next to Mount Snow, so we went snowboarding Saturday and Sunday. It was beautiful; the snow was great for it being early in the season. Unfortunately, as we drove back to Connecticut, it started snowing!

I am excited for finals to be over, but I know my time at home will go fast and I will have another semester ahead of me. That just means I need to make the most of my time and see as many friends and family as I can. I can’t wait.


2/c Caitlin Cunningham




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