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Employee Services Division (ESD) - Training & Employee Development - APHIS Leadership Roadmap - APHIS Leadership Program Evaluation Report


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APHIS Roadmap theme art

The APHIS training community, at the request of Cindy Smith, APHIS Administrator, was
tasked with conducting a systematic and comprehensive review of the leadership training and
development programs in APHIS. The fundamental aspects of this review were to:

  • Assess existing leadership training and developmental programs to determine how well
    they are meeting our workforce and succession planning needs
  • Determine if these programs employ competency-based strategies that are aligned with
    the APHIS Leadership Roadmap
  • Identify what changes are needed to ensure that APHIS is developing a deep and able
    pool of leaders that can demonstrate mastery of the competencies represented in the
    APHIS Leadership Roadmap
  • Develop recommendations that support the changes needed, along with a plan for
    implementing a comprehensive APHIS Leadership Development Program

The APHIS Leadership Program Evaluation Report can be viewed in the following formats:

Last Modified: December 2, 2008


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