SUBJECT: Fair Labor Standards Act Policy and Procedure

This Bulletin supplements Office of Personnel Management (OPM) regulations for administering the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).

OPM's FLSA regulations can be found in Title 5 of the Code of Federal Regulations,

Part 551. Under the provisions of Part 551, the Office of Human Resources Management (OHRM) is responsible for providing a Departmentwide policy framework for FLSA determinations. Under Part 551, OHRM is also responsible for establishing a claims procedure for the adjudication of FLSA claims that are lodged by USDA employees at the Departmental level. This Bulletin is intended to provide both the basic policy framework and the Departmental claims procedure that are required by Part 551.

This Bulletin is not intended to replace or modify any part of the OPM regulations. This Bulletin is meant to be read and applied within the context of all applicable laws and regulations.

Agencies having bargaining units are reminded to meet any labor-management obligations that arise as a result of this Bulletin.

Donna D. Beecher


INQUIRIES: Compensation and Employment Division, Curt Dahlke,

(202) 720-4963, Room 314-W, Jamie L. Whitten Federal Building


EXPIRATION DATE: December 31, 2005


To supplement the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) regulations [Part 551 of Title 5 of the Code of Federal Regulations (5 CFR 551)] governing the administration of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) in Federal agencies. This Bulletin describes the Department of Agriculture (USDA) policy and procedure for selected FLSA issues.

II. Policy and Procedures

A. FLSA Coverage Determinations

Mission Areas are expected to follow these steps when making FLSA coverage determinations:

The importance of paying employees the correct amount each pay period cannot be overstated. Law and regulation presume that an employee is entitled to be paid

time and a half compensation for all overtime hours worked unless an employer can convincingly demonstrate that a legitimate FLSA exemption applies. Accurate FLSA determinations are a critical part of this process.

Many incorrect determinations are the result of over reliance on inaccurate position descriptions. Accordingly, FLSA determinations may not be based solely on position descriptions.

The accuracy of mission area FLSA determinations will be subject to review by OHRM during human resources management evaluations, targeted compliance reviews and assistance visits. A USDA employee who believes that he or she has not been properly compensated as required by the FLSA must first attempt to resolve the matter within the mission area. If the matter cannot be resolved to the employee's satisfaction, he or she may pursue a claim for additional monies.

A bargaining unit employee who is covered by a negotiated grievance procedure must use the negotiated procedure to pursue a claim. A nonbargaining unit employee, or a bargaining unit employee covered by a negotiated grievance procedure that specifically excludes FLSA matters, may present a claim to either USDA or OPM for administrative adjudication.

OPM has final administrative authority over FLSA claims. If an employee is dissatisfied with a USDA decision on his or her claim, the employee may submit the claim to OPM for a separate determination. However, an employee may not present a claim to USDA that has already been adjudicated by OPM.

An employee wishing to file a FLSA claim with USDA must submit the claim to the following address:

U. S. Department of Agriculture
Office of Human Resources Management
Personnel Policy and Partnership Division
1400 Independence Avenue, S.W.
Room 47-W, Jamie L. Whitten Building
Washington, D.C. 20250-9603

Claims must be in writing and must contain the following information:

Incomplete claims will not be docketed but will be returned to the claimant.

Payments to successful claimants are limited to the 2-year period immediately preceding the date that the claim is docketed by either USDA or OPM.

OHRM procedures for claims adjudication mirror OPM procedures. Accordingly, claimants should familiarize themselves with OPM's FLSA regulations and claims procedures as well as with the information contained in this Bulletin. The OPM information can be accessed through the Internet at the following address:


OHRM will issue a written decision on each claim. The OHRM decision on a claim supercedes all prior mission area determinations and is the final decision that an employee can obtain within USDA.

In order to assist OHRM in the adjudicative process, mission areas must submit the following documentation upon being notified of an employee's claim by OHRM:

Claimants are expected to cooperate in the adjudication of their claims. OHRM will dismiss the claim of any claimant who fails to respond to a request for further evidence or information, or who otherwise fails to prosecute his or her claim in a timely manner.