Art's Message 

Release Date: August 14, 2007
Release Number: BRI-01-05

The past three months have been very busy and very challenging for all of us as each state received a major disaster declaration. What I have taken away from it is the relationships we are building and the processes that have been put in place have made responding to these disasters a truly joint effort of local state and federal partners.

The working relationships we have forged really helped all of us. The preliminary damage assessments and the declaration request write-ups were all a joint function and because of that, declarations were made available in a pretty expeditious manner. Considering it was the first time in the regions history that all six states received a declaration as a result of a single event speaks volumes on how that working relationship is helping the residents of New England.

Another thing I am very pleased about is how we looked at the best way to provide and deliver assistance to residents and communities and the best way was to consolidate Joint Field Offices. It is very challenging to operate a JFO, much less six of them, and I want to personally thank each state for showing the trust in us by allowing us to operate in a regional concept. It is that trust and dedication to teamwork that best serves New England and I think that has shown these past three months.

Another wonderful example of how we are all coming together to support and work with each other was the just completed Northeast Homeland Security Conference held in Boston. I personally believe it was a great success and I know that as a region we will be better off for having such conferences that bring all of us together. Homeland Security and Emergency Management go hand in hand and I think that was shown clearly by the tour of the LNG facilities in Boston and by the demonstrations of security procedures by Customs and Border Protection and the Coast Guard. As I have stated many times before, knowing everyone's capabilities and procedures in the region just make us all stronger and I can see that happening here in New England.

Now we head into hurricane season and as a region I think we are more prepared than in past years because we have really come together as an emergency management community. We still have work to do but taking those first baby steps eventually leads to giant steps and I am confident enough to say that we are heading in the right direction, we just have to be dedicated to stay on that course and I know we will be. Let's hope we have a silent hurricane season here in New England and the rest of the country, but if we don't, I am confident in knowing that our working together will benefit the residents and communities that hold our region together.

Last Modified: Thursday, 16-Aug-2007 08:24:12