Home arrow NewsCastle arrow Sep 2007 Issue arrow 9.3 Commander's Message
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Vol. 37 No. 2       A monthly publication of the Los Angeles District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers        September 2007

Commander's Message


Colonel Thomas H. Magness, IV Commander, Los Angeles District
Colonel Thomas H. Magness, IV Commander, Los Angeles District
It is the end of our performance year and we are totally focused on execution. This is, rightly so, the way our district is ultimately measured. Namely, do we accomplish the mission? For each and every one of us, it is time to knuckle down between now and September 30 - and get the job done.

Here are some of the key elements that will enable our success as we approach the finish line:

Communicate with rigor. We cannot have any surprises. If someone needs help they must know to come up on the net immediately, not try to solve their problems on their own - until it is too late to receive assistance. We must constantly assess our key projects.  We must proactively communicate with project partners and customers. And we must ensure that the vertical team (SPD, USACE RIT) is fully aware of our expected outcomes. They don’t like surprises, either!  I must tell you that one of my greatest pleasures since I have arrived has been the great communications on our “hot” projects.  This is clearly what it takes to WIN!

Schedule it / Measure it / Execute it. We can’t have empty promises. Key to our communications is an honest discussion about where we are versus the schedule. We must be able to measure our progress against our commitments. And if it looks like we are coming up short - see “communicate with rigor,” above. For example, when we make some commitments on Monday as to what will be completed by Friday in order to meet our end of year goals. Well, we’ll all be working late on Friday until those commitments are met!  Mission success requires that we say what we’ll do…and do what we say!

Win. Regardless of how and when it is measured, we must do everything in our power to win. At the end of the fiscal year, we want to come out on top. A team that understands that second place is not good enough, and whose leaders are willing to do everything to help the team succeed, will leave it all on the field. That is where we want to end up:  with our tongues hanging out, exhausted, helping each other cross the finish line. In FIRST PLACE!

And based on what I have observed from the way the team has come together to execute here at year end – our ranks are filled with winners.  Keep up the great work, TEAM.  I am proud of you!  Hooah!


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