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Recreation Use Fees

Headquarters POC

This Web page was developed to provide a one-stop source for information on recreational use fees. In addition to numerous references, this site provides links to news and current issues, a list of the Division and District Use Fee POC's across the country, and information on use fee policy contained in ER 1130-2-550, Chapter 9 - Recreation Use Fees, and EP 1130-2-550, Chapter 9 - Recreation Use Fees. Although the ER and EP are our most frequently referenced documents for use fee policy guidance, this site provides links to other resources that are available in the form of regulations, policy memorandums, policy manuals, legislation, technical reports, handbooks, journal articles, committee reports, and manuscripts. If there is other information that you believe should be posted on this site, please contact the SME responsible for site content listed at the bottom of this page.

Green Ball At a Glance Green Ball News / Current Issues
Green Ball Policy & Procedures Green Ball Fee Waiver for GWOT Support Personnel
Green Ball Program Summary Green Ball Frequently Asked Questions
Green Ball References Green Ball Good Enough to Share
Green Ball Related Sites Green Ball Lessons Learned
Green Ball Information on FLREA  Corps Castle Green Ball Division & District POC's  Corps Castle

 Corps Castle Item is restricted to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and will open in a new window.

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Established: November 2001