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Environmentally Preferable Purchasing
About Environmentally Preferable Purchasing
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Designated Products
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   Biobased Products
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Non-Ozone Depleting
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Other Environmentally Preferable Attributes
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Biobased Products

The U.S. Department of Energy gives preference to products containing biobased content along with other environmental attributes. The DOE "Buy Bio" Program is part of DOE's Environmentally Preferable Purchasing (EPP) Program. The goal of DOE's Buy Bio Program is to help DOE sites recognize the value of biobased products and transition to them as quickly as possible, especially those designated by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) designates which products are to be purchased with biobased content. Once USDA "designates an item, the Farm Security and Rural Investment Act (FSRI) Section 9002 requires that any procuring agency, when using appropriated Federal funds to procure that item, shall purchase it with the specified weight of biobased materials (7 CFR 2902).

The FSRI Section 9002 requirement is that 100 percent of the purchases of the designated products shall meet or exceed the USDA guideline standards unless written justification is provided that a product is 1) not available competitively within a reasonable time frame, 2) does not meet appropriate performance standards, or 3) is only available at an unreasonable price. Within the U.S. Department of Energy, these justified exceptions are informally referred to as the CAP: cost, availability, performance. One further justification is if a product is designated to contain both biobased as well as recycled content and is not available with both, the recycled content preference takes precedence.

In addition to giving preference to USDA designated biobased products, DOE encourages the purchase of any biobased product that meets national and DOE site specifications, especially those whose content displaces petroleum. This early adopter practice aligns with DOE's mission of energy security.

Each Federal agency and contractor is required to establish a purchasing program for biobased products. The program must have three components:

  • Preference - a policy and specification embedded in the purchasing systems
  • Promotion - an initial awareness raising campaign, training, and information resources
    readily available to all staff
  • Review and Reporting - an evaluation of the program annually to identify and overcome obstacles to purchasing biobased products and to report on the purchases

The benefits of purchasing biobased products are:

Energy Security

    Reduce U. S. Reliance on imported petroleum
    Increase the economics of biorefineries by co-producing valuable biobased products along with biobased fuel


    Establish healthier environment for staff
    Reduce hazardous materials on site
    Reduce atmospheric carbon dioxide that causes global climate change


    Reduce disposal and cleanup costs
    Improve economics of U.S. agricultural production
    Stimulate economic development in rural areas

This page was last updated on March 21, 2008

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