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Ratites and Hatching Eggs

Import Procedures for Importing Ratites and Hatching Eggs of Ratites

ADVISORY: Until further notice, there is a temporary ban on the importation of pet birds from Afghanistan, Albania, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Benin, Burkina Faso, Egypt, Cambodia, Cameroon, Czech Republic (regions (kraj) of Kralovehradecky and Pardubicky ONLY), Djibouti, Germany (the following kreis ONLY): Muldental, Torgue-Oschatz, Dobeln, Saalfeld-Rudolstadt, Schwandorf, Neustadt A.D. Aisch, Bamberg, Kitzingen, Erlangen-Hochstadt, Oberhavel, Havelland, Ostprignitz-Ruppin, Potsdam-Mittelmark, Uckermark, Mecklenburg-Strelitz, Prignitz, Jerichower Land, Gorlitz and Bautzen, Ghana, Hong Kong, Hungary (Bacs-Kiskun and Csongrad counties ONLY), India, Indonesia, Iran, Israel, Ivory Coast (Côte d'Ivoire), Japan, Jordan, Laos, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Malaysia, Myanmar, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Palestinian Autonomous Territories, Peoples' Republic of China, Poland (voivodships [provinces] of Warminsko-Mazurskie, Mazowiekie, and Kujawsko-Pomorskie ONLY), Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, Sudan, Sweden (Kalmar county ONLY), Thailand, Togo, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom (counties of Norfolk, and Suffolk, England), and Vietnam.

The USDA regulates the importation of all avian species including ratites and hatching eggs of ratites into the United States. These regulations were developed to prevent the introduction of highly contagious poultry diseases such as exotic Newcastle disease into the United States.

Import Requirements

Ratites (live birds) must:

  • be produced by a pen-raised flock;
  • be identified by a microchip (live birds);
  • be shipped from a farm that has been inspected and approved by a USDA official during the past 12 months
  • be shipped in a new container;
  • be treated with a pesticide of sufficient strength to rid live birds of all external parasites not more than 14 days nor less than 8 days prior to shipping;
  • be accompanied by an Application/Permit for Ratites or Ratite Hatching Eggs and Space Reservation Request (VS Form 17-128) issued in advance of the shipment;
  • be accompanied by a veterinary health certificate (reverse side of VS Form 17-128) with specific certification statements, issued by a full-time salaried veterinarian of the agency responsible for animal health of the national government in the exporting country of origin;
  • be inspected by a USDA veterinarian at a designated port of entry, as listed on the import permit;
  • be quarantined for a minimum of 30 days (live birds) at a USDA Animal Import Center; and
  • be found free of evidence of communicable diseases of poultry during quarantine.

Hatching eggs of ratites must:

  • be brooded in a hatchery that has been approved in advance by USDA, under the direct supervision of the Area Veterinarian in Charge in the State of destination; and
  • be quarantined within the hatchery for the full incubation period, plus an additional 30 days after hatching. Chicks hatched during quarantine will be tested for communicable diseases of poultry.

How to Obtain an Import Permit

Information about an import permit, availability of quarantine space in the facility, and an estimate of quarantine costs and associated fees may be obtained by contacting either of the USDA Animal Import Centers listed below.

New York Animal Import Center
474 International Blvd
Rock Tavern, New York 12575
TEL: (914) 564-2950
FAX: (914) 564-1075
(No limitations on size of ratites)

Miami Animal Import Center
5600 NW 36th Street
Miami, FL 33266
TEL: (305)-526-2926
FAX: (305) 526-2929
(Limited to ratites under 36 inches tall)

During the quarantine period, the ratites will be treated for external parasites and will undergo certain tests and diagnostic procedures to determine if they are free of communicable diseases of birds and poultry. All costs associated with the quarantine including diagnostic testing are charged to the importer. One hundred percent (100%) of these fees, in the form of a check or United States money order in U.S. dollars and made payable to the USDA, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS), must accompany the import permit application. The import permit is issued when the required fees are paid in full and quarantine facility space is available.

In cases where an import permit is issued and the birds are not imported, the reservation fee will be forfeited unless the Animal Import Center is notified of the cancellation, in writing, at least 15 working days before the scheduled date of arrival. A $40 (in U.S. dollars) cancellation fee will be assessed on all canceled reservations for importing birds.

User fees for standard care, feed, and handling of ratites quarantined in a USDA Animal Import Center are as follows:

Chicks (less than 3 months old) - $9.25/day
Juveniles (between 3 and 10 months old) - $14.00/day
Adults (11 months of age and older) - $27.00/day

Additional information about avian imports may be requested by contacting us:
USDA, APHIS, Veterinary Services
National Center for Import and Export
4700 River Road, Unit 39
Riverdale, MD 2037-1231
(301) 734-3277 telephone
(301) 734-6402 fax

Last Modified: December 12, 2008