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The Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System
IPEDS Help Desk: 1-877-225-2568

How to report data

All data must be submitted via our online system, which allows you to either submit a data file or to enter data directly.

Reporting for multiple campuses:

Each institution that has a separate Program Participation Agreement (PPA) with the Department of Education must submit separate data.

Data may be reported separately for campuses that share a PPA and that conform to the IPEDS definition of a branch campus: a permanent location, located beyond a reasonable commuting distance from the main campus, that offers full programs of study.

Institutions must contact the Help Desk to make arrangements for reporting combined data. Institutions that fail to contact the Help Desk when reporting combined data risk appearing noncompliant.

Reporting separately to the NCAA

You have to submit data separately to the NCAA. The NCAA no longer relies on IPEDS GRS data to meet its requirements. We are required by law to protect the confidentiality of individuals, using a process called "perturbation." However, the NCAA wants "unperturbed" data from the institutions.

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Washington, DC 20006, USA
Phone: (202) 502-7300 (map)