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The Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System
IPEDS Help Desk: 1-877-225-2568

Information Collected

Institutional Characteristics

Data collected in the institutional characteristics survey provide general information about the institution. Data collected include but are not limited to:
  • Institution name and address, telephone number, and web address;
  • Educational offerings and mission statements;
  • Control/affiliation, award levels, and calendar system;
  • Admissions requirements, including prior education and test scores; and
  • Student charges, including tuition and fees, room and board, books and supplies, and other expenses.


Degree Completions

Degree completions data are collected for award levels ranging from postsecondary certificates of less than 1 year to doctoral degrees. Data include demographic information on race/ethnicity, gender of recipient, and field of study.
  • For degree programs, data are collected by level or type of degree (i.e., associate's, bachelor's, master's, doctor's, and first-professional).
  • For non-degree programs, data are collected by length of program.


12-Month Enrollment

12-month enrollment data are collected for award levels ranging from postsecondary certificates of less than 1 year to doctoral degrees. The 12-month period used is selected by the institution and can range from July 1-June 30 or from September 1-August 31. Data include demographic information on race/ethnicity and gender. Data collected/calculated include:
  • Unduplicated headcounts and instructional activity (contact or credit hours); and
  • Full-time equivalent (FTE) enrollment (calculated based on instructional activity), which is used in computing expenses by function per FTE and revenues per FTE (which are reported on the IPEDS Data Feedback Report).


Human Resources

Employees by Assigned Position

Data are collected on headcount information (as of November 1 of the current academic year). Institutions with medical schools (those that have M.D. programs) are required to report their medical school employees separately. Data are collected by:

  • Full- and part-time status;
  • Function or occupational category; and
  • Faculty status and tenure status (if applicable).

Fall Staff

This component is required biennially (in odd-numbered years) from institutions with 15 or more full-time employees. Data are collected on the numbers of full and part-time institutional staff (as of November 1 of the current academic year) and include demographic information on race/ethnicity and gender. Specific data elements include:
  • Number of full-time faculty by contract length and salary class intervals;
  • Number of non-faculty employed full time by primary occupational activity and salary class intervals;
  • Number of part-time employees by primary occupational activity;
  • Tenure of full-time faculty by academic rank; and
  • Number of new hires by primary occupational activity.


Beginning with the 2004 data collection, this component is required of degree-granting institutions only. The primary purpose of this section is to collect data (as of November 1 of the current academic year) on the number of full-time instructional faculty by:
  • Rank, gender, and length of contract;
  • Total salary outlay; and
  • Fringe benefits information.


Fall Enrollment

Fall enrollment data are collected for all students enrolled in credit-bearing courses/programs which could potentially lead to awards ranging from postsecondary certificates of less than 1 year to doctoral degrees. Data include demographic information on race/ethnicity and gender. Data collected include:
  • The number of full and part-time students enrolled in the fall;
  • Students enrolled in courses creditable toward a degree or other formal award, students enrolled in courses that are part of a vocational or occupational program (including those enrolled in off-campus centers), and high school students taking regular college courses for credit;
  • Residence and high school graduation status of student (in even years for first time, first-year students);
  • Age (in odd years); and
  • Cohort numbers to compute retention rates.



This collection is used to describe the financial condition of postsecondary education in the nation, to monitor changes in postsecondary education finance, and to promote research involving institutional financial resources and expenditures. Specific data elements include:
  • Revenues by source (e.g., tuition and fees, government grants and contracts, private gifts);
  • Expenses by function (e.g., instruction, research, academic support, institutional support);
  • Physical plant assets and indebtedness; and
  • Endowment investments.


Financial Aid

Financial aid data are collected for full-time, first-time degree- and certificate seeking undergraduate students. Data are collected regarding federal grants, state and local government grants, institutional grants, and loans. Data collected include:
  • Number of students receiving each type of financial assistance; and
  • Average amount received by type.


Graduation Rates

Graduation data are collected for award levels ranging from postsecondary certificates of less than 1 year to doctoral degrees. Data include demographic information on race/ethnicity and gender. Data include:
  • Number of students entering the institution as full-time, first-time degree or certificate-seeking students in a particular year;
  • Number of students completing their program within a time period equal to one and a half times the normal period of time; and
  • Number of students who transferred to other institutions and who received athletically related student aid.


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