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The Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System
IPEDS Help Desk: 1-877-225-2568

This Week in IPEDS

December 15, 2008
IPEDS Data Availability and Mailing of Data Feedback Reports

There are two items in This Week in IPEDS:

  1. 2007-08 Human Resources Data Now Available
  2. Data Feedback Reports Being Mailed This Week

December 8, 2008
IPEDS Updated Resources and Information for Winter Collection

There are four items in This Week in IPEDS:

  1. AIR Webinars Now Available
  2. New Student-to-Faculty Ratio Section on Enrollment Survey
  3. Context Box Reminder
  4. Enhanced Executive Peer Tool (ExPT)

November 24, 2008
IPEDS Update on Recent TRP Meetings
A Technical Review Panel (TRP) meeting was recently convened to discuss new requirements included in the Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA). The specific requirements discussed are related to institutional "Net Price of Attendance."

November 13, 2008
Call for Participants: Data Feedback Report and Data Consortium Utilization Survey
NCES/AIR Policy Fellow Matthew Soldner has launched the first of a series of studies focused on campus use of peer comparison data.

October 1, 2008
Prior Year Revision (PYR) System is Now Available
The IPEDS Prior Year Revision (PYR) System is now open, and is located at: The PYR allows corrections to be made to data submitted during last year’s (2007-08) IPEDS collections.

September 26, 2008
Reminders, HEOA Update, CIP Update
There are three items This Week in IPEDS:
Opt Out of Receiving Reminders; Federal Register Notice on Proposed IPEDS Changes; Submit Comments on the new CIP.

September 10, 2008
AIR Webinars; Updated CIP; OMB Approval of HEOA Changes
The Fall data collection opened last Wednesday, September 3, and the Help Desk is open and ready for your questions.

July 28, 2008
Changes and Schedule for 2008-09 Collection Approved
The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) has received approval from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to implement the changes outlined in earlier communications to keyholders and coordinators.

June 9, 2008
New Data are Available
New data are now available through the IPEDS Tools.

May 28, 2008
IPEDS Spring 2008 Update PowerPoint file is now available
The latest IPEDS Spring 2008 Update powerpoint file is now available. This file includes information on proposed changes to the 2008-09 data collection and beyond, as well as information on other research projects and a data collection calendar.


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