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2006 Presidential Energy Management Award Winners

Congratulations to the winners of the 2006 Presidential Awards for Leadership in Federal Energy Management.

U.S. Department of Defense
Naval Base Coronado
Contact: Michael Magee, 619-545-4648

"Outstanding Performance"

Naval Base Coronado (NBC) has taken a comprehensive approach to energy management, saving substantial amounts of oil, electricity and water. Since 1985, NBC lowered its energy intensity by 45 percent to a remarkable 48,350 Btu per square foot in FY 2005. Since the previous year, NBC used 13.2 billion Btu less energy — savings equivalent to the energy use of 189 typical California households in a year. In 2005, NBC invested almost $7.5 million in new projects that will save 50.5 billion Btu, 11.9 million gallons of water, and $2.3 million each year. The annual energy savings from these projects is equivalent to the energy use of 720 typical households in the region. NBC's 2005 projects include decentralized steam plants, high-efficiency boilers, high-efficiency washers, solar power, and lighting and water conservation retrofits. To help accomplish energy savings, NBC uses Resource Efficiency Managers (REMs), who are wholly-dedicated specialists trained to improve energy efficiency. REMs helped identify cost effective energy improvements, surveyed water pressure on the distribution system, incorporated best practices for energy efficiency, and coordinated the efforts of individuals assigned as building energy monitors. NBC recognizes its leaders through employee incentive programs and presents awards to individuals making the greatest contributions to efficient energy management. The NBC team incorporates energy management practices into its mission, utilizing operational flight trainer aviation simulators to help reduce the cost of flight time and petroleum consumption. NBC publicizes its energy efficiency accomplishments and promotes energy awareness through print and broadcast media and solar-powered LED signage.

U.S. Department of Defense
Naval Undersea Warfare Center, Division Keyport
Contact: Phil Beste, 360-396-5170


The Naval Undersea Warfare Center, Division Keyport institutionalized energy efficiency and water conservation by building these principles into its standard practices and procedures. From those practices, overall energy intensity dropped 7.4 percent from the previous year — nearly 18.4 billion Btu, enough for 263 area households annually — and almost 33 percent from the 1985 baseline. Facility projects and designs are reviewed and tracked to maximize energy efficiency and water conservation throughout Keyport and at all detachments, laboratories, underwater ranges, and operations sites in Washington, Hawaii, California, and Nevada. Keyport is also making progress toward its energy efficiency goals by incorporating LEED criteria into construction of new buildings, replacing failing boilers, installing new climate control equipment, and retrofitting base-wide lighting systems. Keyport awarded a utility energy service contract to construct a sub-metering network to better track energy consumption and reduced its petroleum consumption by transitioning to more fuel-efficient vehicle models. Keyport has also enabled the ENERGY STAR® energy-saving features on 98 percent of its personal computers. Keyport trains and uses personnel assigned as building energy monitors to promote energy awareness and make energy conservation and efficiency part of the routine business of all employees.

U.S. Department of Defense
Marine Corps Air Station Yuma
Continuous Energy Efficiency and Management Program
Contact: Ron Durfey, 928-269-2734


In 2005, Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) Yuma reduced its energy use per square foot by 3.5 percent compared to 2004 and 40 percent compared to a 1985 baseline. This is a savings of 8.1 billion Btu from the previous year, enough energy for 116 typical area homes for a year. MCAS Yuma worked with its local utility and implemented most of its energy efficiency projects through a utility energy service contract (UESC), which will produce energy savings at no net cost to the taxpayers. UESC projects included use of highly efficient LED technologies in airfield aviation and safety applications, retrofitting low pressure sodium lighting with T-5 high output fluorescent fixtures, and water conservation projects such as desert landscaping, which introduces drought resistant vegetation to reduce water demand. MCAS Yuma highlights all new energy projects on its website and in the local newspaper. Energy conservation tips are distributed bi-weekly via email and reach about 15,000 personnel. Yuma is one of the Navy's busiest air stations and supports commercial operations, which enables a private and public access to the improved airfield lighting. It continues to expand outreach programs beyond the base and has become a role model for the military, the community, and the private sector.

Social Security Administration
Energy Initiatives Team
Contact: Scott Howard, 410-965-4980


The Social Security Administration (SSA) improved its energy efficiency and reduced its emissions by using many of the tools identified in Executive Order 13123. Recently, SSA completed installation of the largest federal solar array in Chicago, which generates enough electricity in one day to power 100 homes and over its lifetime will save the equivalent of 1,400 tons of coal. SSA completed two other solar projects, a photovoltaic rooftop array at the Frank Hagel Federal Building, Richmond, California and a solar hot water system at the Mid-Atlantic Social Security Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. SSA uses utility energy service contracts (UESCs) and energy savings performance contracts (ESPCs), along with direct funding, to install high efficiency lighting improvements, water-conserving fixtures, HVAC upgrades, and cogeneration projects, and to purchase ENERGY STAR® products and green power. SSA policies and guidelines incorporate and require life-cycle cost analyses for major retrofits, application of sustainable design principles for new buildings, procurement of ENERGY STAR® equipment, and consideration of renewable energy technologies. SSA has two headquarters buildings that are certified using the U.S. Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED™) criteria, which considers energy efficiency performance, among other sustainable design principles. SSA is working with the General Services Administration on two other building renovations that will incorporate building designs to incorporate LEED Silver building design criteria and enable an ENERGY STAR® building designation (top 25 percent in terms of energy efficiency).

United States Postal Service
Pacific Area Energy Program Committee
Contact: Ray Levinson, 415-405-4886


The United States Postal Service (USPS) Pacific Area Energy Program has become a model program for other USPS Areas and federal energy management programs to emulate. Since it received the 2003 Presidential Award for Leadership in Federal Energy Management for Institutionalization, the USPS Pacific Area has continued to employ a wide variety of techniques and implemented clean energy projects to reduce costs, air pollution, and demand on the California electrical grid, while increasing the use of renewables and clean technologies. In 2004 and 2005, energy audits were conducted at 322 postal sites, and 276 facilities initiated on-site generation projects to achieve greater energy efficiency. The actions of the Pacific Area Energy Team resulted in investment of $108 million and annual savings of approximately $9.4 million and nearly 340 billion Btu — enough for more than 4,800 typical households in the region for a year. Included in these efforts was the development of the largest civilian agency stock of solar photovoltaic systems. In FY 2005 alone, projects were initiated at 181 facilities with a total capital value of $84.3 million generating annual savings of $6.2 million and 220.7 billion Btu. Among these are on-site generation projects including a 1-megawatt combined heat and power system in San Bernardino and a 910-kilowatt photovoltaic project in Oakland, California.