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AMFELLOWS Archives – January 2004

  1. "Voices from the Days of Slavery..." new release

  2. $5000 for teacher/media specialist collaboration research

  3. Address changes?

  4. Congress in the Classroom (summer teacher workshop)


  6. Early Folksong Recordings Available online from Library of Congress

  7. Gilder Lehrman institutes

  8. Literature connections

  9. MrSID (map) technical help

  10. mystery solved using primary sources

  11. New virus out there: MyDoom

  12. State of the Union Bingo - Lesson Idea from an Educator

  13. Ten Zora Neale Hurston Plays added to American Memory

  14. Where are they now? (27 subscribers not getting our mail)

  15. Where they are now - a few found
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