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Online Digest May/June 2001
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National Center Aims to Break Cycle of Violence

A national program focusing on the effects of violence on children celebrated its one-year anniversary this May.

Supported by a grant from the U.S. Department of Justice's Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP), the National Center for Children Exposed to Violence (NCCEV) was established at the Yale Child Study Center as part of its Children Exposed to Violence Initiative. The NCCEV is based on the work of the Child Development Community Policing Program, a unique police-mental health partnership created under the direction of Steven Marans of the Yale Child Study Center.

The NCCEV has three main objectives:

  • To promote public and professional awareness of the effects of violence on children.
  • To provide training and technical assistance to communities around the country who are developing collaborative efforts to respond to children and families exposed to violence.
  • To establish a national clearinghouse and website for information about violent traumatization and successful approaches to intervention.

The NCCEV's website offers a number of resources, including:

  • Free access to NCCEV publications
  • Interactive training and technical assistance
  • A bibliographic database compiled by the NCCEV Resource Center and including citations of Internet resources, articles, books, reports, curricula, and other publications.
  • Information about training and technical assistance provided by NCCEV to OJJDP's Safe Start Demonstration Initiative.

Contact information:
The National Center for Children Exposed to Violence
Child Study Center
Yale University
School of Medicine
230 South Frontage Road
New Haven, CT 06520-7900
Phone: 1-877-49-NCCEV

Related Items

See these related articles in the current and past issues of the Children's Bureau Express:

  • "New Findings on Youth Violence" (May 2001)
  • "Researchers Examine Effects of Violence on Young Children" (July 2000)
  • "Safe Start Initiative Grants Awarded by OJJDP" (April 2000)
  • "Insights on Violence and Children" (April 2000)

Search the archives of the Children's Bureau Express for other related articles, including the effects of domestic violence on children using the Search feature on this website.

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