American Treasures of the Library of Congress:  Top Treasures
2 pages from the Huexotzinco Codex, 1531 Huexotzinco Codex
Amate paper, 1531
Manuscript Division

The written word plays a uniquely significant role in America's history. Documents such as the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Gettysburg Address define who we are and what we aspire to be as a people. The Library of Congress holds documents associated with George Washington, George Mason, James Madison, Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, and Christopher Columbus among others -- in trust for the American people.

The American Treasures of the Library of Congress exhibition in the Library of Congress Jefferson Building in Washington, D.C. will always feature one of these Top Treasures. Periodically the featured item will change, because these rare and fragile documents can be displayed for only limited periods of time. However, they will always be available on this site, the online American Treasures Exhibition.



"We Hold These Truths
To Be Self Evident . . ."

Jefferson's Rough Draft of the Declaration of Independence
Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826)
"Original Rough Draught of the
Declaration of Independence
Holograph with minor emendations by John Adams and Benjamin Franklin, June 1776
Manuscript Division (2)

Fragment Of
An Idea

Jefferson's Fragment of Rough Draft
Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826)
Fragment of Rough Draft
Holograph manuscript, June 1776
Manuscript Division (3)

Reflections On The Declaration

Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826)  to Roger C. Weightman (1786-1876). Holograph letter, June 24, 1826
Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826) to Roger C. Weightman (1786-1876)

Holograph letter, June 24, 1826
Manuscript Division (6)

Draft of the Virginia Constitution

Jefferson's Draft of the Virginian Constitution,  May 1776
Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826)
Draft of the Virginia Constitution
Holograph manuscript, May 1776
Manuscript Division (4)

Essays On the Principles of Morality and Natural Religion

The Pursuit of Happiness

Henry Home, Lord Kames
Essays On the Principles of Morality
and Natural Religion

Edinburgh: A. Kincaid & A. Donaldson, 1751
Rare Book & Special Collections Division
Purchase, 1815 (5)

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The Virginia Declaration of Rights

The Virignia Declaration of Rights
George Mason (1725-1792) and
Thomas Ludwell Lee (ca. 1730-1778)
The Virginia Declaration of Rights
Holograph manuscript, May 1776
Manuscript Division (2.1)

Fairfax County Resolves

Fairfax County Resolves
George Mason (1725-1792)
Fairfax County Resolves
Holograph manuscript, 1774
Manuscript Division (4.1)

Lafayette's Copy of the
Declaration of the Rights of Man

Lafayette's Copy of the Declaration of the Rights of Man
Manuscript in a clerical hand and endorsed by Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826)

Holograph manuscript, July 1789
Manuscript Division (3.1)

Madison's Copy of the Proposed
"Bill of Rights"

Madison's Copy of the Proposed Bill of Rights
[Proposed Articles of Amendment]

New York: Thomas Greenleaf
[September 14, 1789]
Rare Book & Special Collections Division (5.1)

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George Washington's Commission as Commander-In-Chief

George Washington's Commission as Commander-In-Chief of the Continental Army
Commission signed by John Hancock (1737-1793) and Charles Thomson (1729-1824)

Holograph on vellum, 1775
Manuscript Division (2.2)

". . . and to Declare them Free and Independent States . . . "

Letter from John Hancock to George Washington about the adoption of the Declaration of Independence
John Hancock (1737-1793)
Resolution in the hand of John Hancock,
July 4, 1776

Manuscript Division (5.2)

Washington's Personal Copy of the Declaration of Independence

Washington's Personal Copy
of the Declaration of Independence

The Declaration of Independence
Broadside. [Philadelphia: John Dunlap,
July 4, 1776]
Manuscript Division (6.1)

Washington Records the British Surrender at Yorktown

Washington Records the Surrender of the British at Yorktown
George Washington (1732-1799)
Holograph diary, October 19, 1781 (3.2)
Manuscript Division

Encampment of the French Army,
July 17, 1782

Encampment of the French Army
Jean Baptiste Donatien de Vimeur,
comte de Rochambeau (1725-1807)
Amerique Campagne, 1782.
Plans des differents camps occupes par l'armee; aux ordres de mr. le comte de Rocambeau
Manuscript atlas, 1782
Geography & Map Division (4.2)

Cornwallis's Defeat at Yorktown

Cornwallis's Defeat at Yorktown

Espauts et Rapilly
Carte de la partie de la Virginie ou l'armée combinée de France & des États-Unis de l 'Amérique a fait prisonnière l'Armée anglaise commandée par Lord Carnwallis . . . .
Paris: ca. 1782
Hand-colored engraved map
Geography & Map Division (21A.5)

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The State House in Philadelphia

A Map of Philadelphia and Parts Adjacent, With A Perspective View of the State House.
A Map of Philadelphia and Parts Adjacent,
With A Perspective View
of the State House.
Philadelphia: Lawrence Hebert, 1752
Geography & Map Division
Gift of the Madison Council,
the Phillips Society and
J. Thomas Touchton and
Mrs. and Mrs. Isadore Scott, 1998 (6B.1)

Report of the Committee of Detail

Broadside annotated in the hand of William Samuel Johnson.
Broadside annotated in the hand of
William Samuel Johnson.

Philadelphia: Claypoole and Dunlap,
August 6, 1787
Manuscript Division
Gift of the Johnson Family, 1911 (4.7)

The Federalist. No. X

The Federalist

Publius (pseudonym for James Madison)
The Federalist. No. X
in the New York Daily Advertiser
(November 22, 1787)
Serial and Government Publications Division (6.7a,b)

A Looking Glass for 1787

The Looking Glass for 1787.
Possibly Amos Doolittle
The Looking Glass for 1787.
A House Divided Against Itself Cannot Stand,
Mat. Chap. 13th ver 26
Engraving and rocker work,
with watercolor on laid paper
Prints & Photographs Division (3.8)

Report of the Committee of Style

Broadside report of the Committee of Style
Broadside report of the Committee of Style.

Philadelphia: Claypoole and Dunlap,
September 12, 1787
Manuscript Division
State Department transfer (5.6)

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Inaugural Address, April 30, 1789

Washington's First Inauguration,
April 30, 1789

George Washington (1732-1799)
Inaugural Address, April 30, 1789
Holograph manuscript
Manuscript Division (3.11)

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Jefferson's First Inauguration,
March 4, 1801

Sheet Music, March 4, 1801
Manuscript Division (4.9)

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Emancipation -- The First Draft

Emancipation Proclamation (first draft)
Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865)
First draft of the Emancipation Proclamation
Holograph document, July 22, 1862
Manuscript Division (2.3)

The Proclamation Issued

Emancipation Proclamation (final version)
Emancipation Proclamation (final version)

Washington: Government Printing Office,
January 1, 1863
Rare Book & Special Collections Division

If Slavery Is Not Wrong,
Nothing Is Wrong

Abraham Lincoln to A.G. Hodges (letter)
Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865)
to A.G. Hodges

Holograph letter April 4, 1864
Manuscript Division (4.3)

The Construction
of the Proclamation

Emancipation Proclamation (final draft)
Lincoln's final draft of the Emancipation Proclamation, January 1, 1863

Photographic copy
Manuscript Division

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An Official Invitation to Gettysburg

Judge David Wills to Abraham Lincoln, Invitation to visit Gettysburg
Judge David Wills to Abraham Lincoln
Holograph letter, November 2, 1863
Manuscript Division (3.5)
Gift of Robert Todd Lincoln, 1923

A Personal Note

Judge David Wills to Abraham Lincoln, A Personal Note
Judge David Wills to Abraham Lincoln
Holograph letter, [November 2, 1863]
Manuscript Division (4.5)
Gift of Robert Todd Lincoln, 1923

The Gettysburg Dedication Ceremony, photograph, November 19, 1863

The Dedication Ceremony,
November 19, 1863

Mathew Brady Collection
The Dedication Ceremony,
November 19, 1863

Courtesy of the Still Pictures Branch,
National Archives (6.4, 6.5)

First Draft of the Gettysburg Address

Lincoln's First Draft of the Gettysburg Address
Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865)
"Nicolay Copy," Gettysburg Address, 1863 Holograph manuscript
Manuscript Division (2.5)
Gift of Hay family, 1916

A Gracious Compliment

Edward Everett (1794-1865) to Abraham Lincoln, holograph letter, November 20, 1863
Edward Everett (1794-1865)
to Abraham Lincoln Holograph letter, [November 20, 1863]
Manuscript Division (5.5)
Gift of Robert Todd Lincoln, 1923

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Columbus's Three Voyages

Angelo Trevisan, Storia de las Navegacion del Colon
Angelo Trevisan
"Storia de la Navegacion del Colon"
[Trevisan codex] Venice: 1503
Rare Book & Special Collections Division (3.4)
Bequest of Mrs. John Boyd Thacher, 1925

Caribbean Map

Pietro Martire d'Anghiera, Martyris Angli mediolanensis opera...
Pietro Martire d' Anghiera, (Peter Martyr)
"Martyris Angli mediolanensis opera,
legatio babylonica, oceani decas, poemata, epigrammate"

Rare Book & Special Collections Division
Bequest of Mrs. John Boyd Thacher, 1925

Columbus's Book of Privileges

Columbus's Book of Privileges

Códice Diplomático Columbo-Americano
Seville: ca. 1502
Manuscript Division
Purchased from William Everett, 1901

Islands of India beyond the Ganges

Christopher Columbus, Epistola de insulis nuper inventis
Christopher Columbus
Epistola de insulis nuper inventis
Printed letter, Rome: 1493
Rare Book & Special Collections Division
Purchased, 1946

The Life of Coumbus

Fernando Colombo, Historie del signor D. Fernando Colombo . . . (Venice: 1571)
Fernando Colombo
Historie del signor D. Fernando Colombo. . . Venice: 1571
Rare Book & Special Collections Division (6.3)
Bequest of Mrs. John Boyd Thacher, 1925

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Lincoln's First Inaugural Address

Abraham Lincoln, Inaugural Address, 1861
Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865)
Inaugural Address, 1861
Printed text with emendations
in the hand of Lincoln
Manuscript Division (2.6)
Gift of Robert Todd Lincoln, 1923

Inaugural Bible, 1861

The Inaugural Bible, 1861
The Holy Bible
. Oxford: 1853
Rare Book & Special Collections Division
Gift of Mrs. Robert Todd Lincoln, 1928

A Glimpse of the Inaugural

Unknown Photographer, Washington, D.C., 1861
Unknown photographer
Washington, D.C., 1861
Prints & Photographs Division
Copyprint deposit, 1861

Lincoln for President

For president, ABRAM LINCOLN, for  vice president, Hannibal Hamlin
For President ABRAM LINCOLN.
For Vice President HANNIBAL HAMLIN.
Philadelphia: H.C. Howard, 1860
Woodcut or lithograph on linen
Prints & Photographs Division
Copyright deposit, 1860

Acceptance of the Nomination

Abraham Lincoln to George Ashmun, acceptance of the nomination
Abraham Lincoln to George Ashmun
Holograph draft, May 23, 1860
Manuscript Division
Gift of Robert Todd Lincoln, 1923

Lincoln & Hamlin Ticket, 1860

Lincoln and Hamlin, Ward 5, Republican Ticket
Lincoln & Hamlin
Ward 5 . . . Republican Ticket
Boston: Wright & Potter, [1860]. Broadside
Rare Book & Special Collections Division
Gift of Alfred Whital Stern, 1953

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Blind memo in the hand of Lincoln

Lincoln's Second Inauguration,
March 4, 1865

Abraham Lincoln to his cabinet members
Blind memo in the hand of Lincoln, August 23, 1864
Manuscript Division (5.10)

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The Huexotzinco Codex, 1531

Huexotzinco Codex, 1531, Page 2Huexotzinco Codex, 1531, Page 1Huexotzinco Codex, 1531, Page 4

Huexotzinco Codex, 1531
Plaintiff testimony and pictographs of the products and services provided as tribute
Amate paper
Manuscript Division
(2.7, 3.7)
Gift of Edward Stephen Harkness, 1928

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