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SF-LIT Archives – May 2005

  1. April 2005 SF Bestsellers for Mysterious Galaxy

  2. educating your literary palate

  3. Female Empowering Pieces

  4. Fwd: Story/novel about murder of half-human

  5. Gods [Was Re: educating your literary palate]

  6. Happy Star Wars Day!

  7. hugo list

  8. Hugo-List

  9. June 2005 Spec Fiction Events at Mysterious Galaxy

  10. Laugh Out Loud Funny Sci Fi

  11. May Philadelphia Fantastic- Dinner party

  12. Nancy Holder June Event Date changed

  13. Nebulas and other awards

  14. Nuclear War Fiction collection seeking a home

  15. Pokemon Movies

  16. SF-LIT Digest - 1 May 2005 to 2 May 2005 (#2005-42)

  17. Story/novel about murder of half-human
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