Lewisville Lake Information


Length including spillway - 32,888 feet

Height above streambed - 125 feet

Width at crown - 20 feet

Top elevation above mean sea level - 560.0 feet

Length - 560 feet

Crest elevation above mean sea level - 532.0 feet

Conservation pool - 555,000 acre feet (one acre-foot equals one acre of water one foot deep, or 325,850 gallons)

Flood-control pool - 325,700 acre feet

Conservation pool area - 23,280 acres (one acre is 43,460 square feet)

Flood-control pool area - 28,980 acres

Shoreline at conservation pool - 233 miles

Elevation at top of conservation pool - 522 feet mean sea level

Every effort is made to keep the water level of Corps lakes within several feet of their conservation pool. Remember, though, that at least two priorities come first. During rainy periods, the lake may temporarily store flood water until it can be safely and gradually released downstream. During a drought, local municipalities (who own most of the water) have the right to use the water for their citizens. As a result, the lake level may be drawn down considerably during periods of high consumption and low rainfall.


This site last updated on May 7, 2007

May 7, 2007