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Aaron Cohen Main Content
NASA Center: Johnson Space Center
Image # : S82-41992
Date : 12/20/1982


Aaron Cohen

Full Description

Aaron Cohen served as NASA Acting Deputy Administrator from February 19, 1992 to November 1, 1992. Mr. Cohen started at NASA's Johnson Space Center in 1962 working on the Apollo program. After Apollo he served as Manager of the Space Shuttle orbiter, directing the development and testing of the orbiter. In 1986 he assumed the position of Johnson Space Center Director. After retiring from NASA in 1993, Mr. Cohen became the Zachry Professor of Engineering at his alma mater, Texas A&M University.


Aaron Cohen Johnson Space Center Acting Deputy Director

Subject Category

VIPs-People at NASA-NACA, NASA-Deputy-Administrators, NASA-Center-Directors,

Reference Numbers

  • Center: JSC
  • Center Number: S82-41992
  • GRIN DataBase Number: GPN-2002-000100

Source Information

  • Creator/Photographer: NASA
  • Original Source: DIGITAL

Image Information ( Copyright Notification )

Thumbnail JPEG 69 86 8
Small JPEG 494 612 207
Medium JPEG 1158 1435 1,362
Large JPEG 1 2870 7,572

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Updated October 31, 2002
• History Questions: NASA History Office
• Responsible NASA Official: Steve Garber
• Author: Michael Hahn.  Editor: Dwayne A. Day
• Curator & Technical Questions: Erin Needham
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