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subpart 246.3--contract clauseS

(Revised January 15, 1999)



 246.370 Material inspection and receiving report.

246.370  Material inspection and receiving report.


      (a)  Use the clause at 252.246-7000, Material Inspection and Receiving Report, in solicitations and contracts when there will be separate and distinct deliverables, even if the deliverables are not separately priced.


      (b)  When contract administration is retained by the contracting office, the clause at 252.246-7000, Material Inspection and Receiving Report, is not required for—


              (1)  Contracts awarded using simplified acquisition procedures;


              (2)  Negotiated subsistence contracts;


              (3)  Contracts for fresh milk and related fresh dairy products;


              (4)  Contracts for which the deliverable is a scientific or technical report;


              (5)  Research and development contracts not requiring the delivery of separately priced end items;


              (6)  Base, post, camp, or station contracts;


              (7)  Contracts in overseas areas when the preparation and distribution of the DD Form 250, Material Inspection and Receiving Report, by the contractor would not be practicable.  In these cases, arrange for the contractor to provide the information necessary for the contracting office to prepare the DD Form 250;


              (8)  Contracts for services when hardware is not acquired as an item in the contract; and


              (9)  Indefinite delivery type contracts placed by central contracting offices which authorize only base, post, camp, or station activities to issue orders.




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