Volunteer Applications

At Grapevine Lake, we like to work hard and play hard. We choose only the best candidates to help us meet our missions. If you think you've got what it takes, fill out the application below and submit it to the Volunteer Coordinator at the email or address on the right. Please be sure to include the following:

1. Acurate contact information, including email address if available

2. Specific position(s) in which you are interested and locations. Take a look at the Volunteer Opportunites page for more information. Also, the volunteer coordinator for Lewisville and Grapevine Lakes is the same person; you may apply for both lakes on one application.

3. Months you are available. Use your crystal ball to try and foresee where you want to be a year from now. There may not be openings now, but you application will stay on file for quite some time.

Volunteer Application

Once your application is received, the volunteer coordinator follows these steps:

1. Application received and reviewed

Hint: If your application doesn't say much about you, it doesn't make a good impression! EVERYONE has skills and talents. Think outside the box. Were you a homemaker for 23 years? You've got excellent multi-tasking and prioritization skills! You were a troop leader for your kid's scout troop? The ability to interact with kids is a must in the campgrounds!

2. Interviews arranged for applicants with highest quality applications

In order to be most efficient, the volunteer specialist strives to interview and hire 2 times a year, 6 months before the scheduled work season. January interviews are for April-June and July-Sept. work periods and June interviews are for Oct-Dec and Jan-March work periods. Don't be discouraged if you don't get an interview or if you aren't selected; we get many applications and sometimes your skills aren't what are needed at the moment. Your application will stay on file for approximately 2 years.

3. Referrences may be requested

If referrences are requested, we usually ask for at least 3. The referrences may be personal aquaintances, family members, former supervisors or co-workers.

4. Selections made, background checks conducted

EVERY long-term volunteer or any volunteer in contact with the public or sensitive information will have a background screening conducted.

5. Join the team!


This site last updated on August 15, 2008