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Strategies for Managing Threatened, Endangered, and Sensitive Species


ERDC's Environmental Laboratory (EL) provides expertise on restoring and managing threatened, endangered, and sensitive species (TES) habitats on Civil Works water resources projects and Department of Defense (DOD) military installations nationwide.


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The conservation and management of TES and their habitats are major issues on Corps projects and military installations throughout the United States. DOD is required by law to manage and protect these species in accordance with the Endangered Species Act of 1973. The protection and maintenance of natural resources on DOD real estate is essential for the continued use of these lands and waters for carrying out both Civil Works and military missions and ensuring compliance with environmental laws. Products from EL studies proactively address high priority issues associated with TES and provide resource managers with useful management tools.

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Gray Bat

 TES Pelican

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Page last updated: 16 May 2008

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