OCR: Office for Civil Rights
   Current Section
Disability Discrimination Resources

Success Stories


  • "Dear Colleague" letter (October 17, 2008) from Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights Stephanie Monroe providing recipients with information regarding disclosure of disability on report cards and transcripts for students with disabilities attending public elementary and secondary schools.  The purpose of this guidance is to clarify how federal laws apply to statements on report cards and transcripts when these statements identify students as students with disabilities.  download files PDF (7M)

  • "Dear Colleague" letter (July 25, 2008) from Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights Stephanie Monroe commemorating the 18th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).  This letter discusses the broad impact that Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act (Section 504) and the ADA have had on aspects of education.  The linked pamphlet “So You Want to Go Back to School” (July 2008) provides information for wounded veterans who are qualified individuals with disabilities under Section 504 and ADA with an overview of their rights and responsibilities regarding academic adjustments, auxiliary aids, and reasonable modifications to school policies and practices at postsecondary institutions.  download files PDF (1.61M)

  • "Dear Colleague" letter (December 26, 2007) from Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights Stephanie Monroe addressing the rights of students with disabilities to participate in schools' and school districts' accelerated programs, such as Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate classes or programs. download files PDF (2.8M)

  • "Dear Colleague" letter and "Dear Parent" letter (March 16, 2007) from Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights Stephanie Monroe, providing information about the legal rights and responsibilities of students with disabilities as they transition from high school to institutions of postsecondary education.

    download files PDF (568K) "Dear Colleague" letter

    download files PDF (306K) "Dear Parent " letter

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Last Modified: 11/17/2008