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Common Core of Data (CCD)

Table 1. Public school averaged freshman graduation rate and components, American Indian/ Alaska Native students, by state: School year 2004–05

State Averaged freshman graduation rate1Regular diplomas, school year 2004–05Estimated first-time 9th graders in 2001–022Grade 10 membership, school year 2002–03 Grade 9 membership, school year 2001–02 Grade 8 membership, school year 2000–01
Reporting states3  67.2 30,352 45,069 43,705 49,185 42,316
Alabama  85.8 404 471 471 481 461
Alaska  46.1 1,233 2,677 2,459 3,034 2,537
Arizona  79.7 4,139 5,194 5,229 5,831 4,522
Arkansas  98.8 165 167 156 179 166
California  68.0 2,950 4,338 4,336 4,676 4,003
Colorado  63.2 419 663 650 734 606
Connecticut  77.5 93 120 120 139 101
Delaware  77.7 30 39 38 39 39
District of Columbia  (4) 5 1 3 1 0
Florida  (4) 551 546 490 657 490
Georgia  52.1 88 169 157 199 151
Hawaii  91.6 44 48 49 57 38
Idaho5  203 52 155
Illinois  (4) 363 344 356 364 313
Indiana  61.4 119 194 208 210 164
Iowa  76.0 164 216 214 232 201
Kansas  74.5 374 502 509 517 479
Kentucky  55.1 60 109 88 135 105
Louisiana  66.5 262 394 332 429 421
Maine  76.4 88 115 105 114 126
Maryland  83.6 202 242 220 281 224
Massachusetts  57.7 173 300 235 437 228
Michigan  49.7 836 1,682 1,882 1,690 1,473
Minnesota  58.8 848 1,442 1,447 1,477 1,403
Mississippi  65.1 32 49 45 54 49
Missouri  88.1 195 221 217 220 227
Montana  60.3 786 1,303 1,164 1,427 1,319
Nebraska  56.8 197 347 299 385 357
Nevada  45.6 226 496 459 564 464
New Hampshire5  47 54 54 33
New Jersey  (4) 300 163 142 151 197
New Mexico  59.5 1,799 3,023 2,993 3,449 2,628
New York  57.5 520 905 892 1,027 796
North Carolina  52.8 852 1,614 1,361 1,936 1,546
North Dakota  56.8 442 778 756 886 691
Ohio  66.6 128 192 178 216 182
Oklahoma  78.5 6,442 8,208 8,020 8,514 8,088
Oregon  64.5 600 930 898 968 925
Pennsylvania  51.5 114 221 213 246 205
Rhode Island  58.7 42 72 69 93 53
South Carolina5  117 87 145 118
South Dakota  43.0 417 969 875 1,050 982
Tennessee  42.5 47 111 101 121 110
Texas  84.7 764 902 841 1,003 861
Utah  65.1 377 579 573 594 569
Vermont  74.2 38 51 45 61 48
Virginia  83.8 178 212 204 227 206
Washington  55.3 1,249 2,258 2,114 2,490 2,171
West Virginia  66.7 14 21 21 22 20
Wisconsin  66.5 700 1,053 1,013 1,150 996
Wyoming  39.5 80 202 165 219 223
1 Averaged freshman graduation rate (AFGR) is an estimate of the percentage of an entering freshman class graduating in 4 years. For 2004–05, it equals the total number of diploma recipients in 2004–05 divided by the average membership of the 8th-grade class in 2000–01, the 9th-grade class in 2001–02, and the 10th-grade class in 2002–03.
2 First-time 9th-graders were estimated as the average of student membership in grades 8, 9, and 10 in 3 consecutive years.
3 Reporting states totals include the 50 states and the District of Columbia for which data were available.
4 AFGR was more than 100 percent. Transfers in and out of public schools during high school can distort the AFGR for relatively small populations.
5 Missing data prevented the caculation of AFGR.
NOTE: Ungraded students were allocated to individual grades proportional to each state's enrollment in those grades.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Common Core of Data (CCD), "State Nonfiscal Survey of Public Elementary/Secondary Education," 2000–01, Version 1b; 2001–02, Version 1b; 2002–03, Version 1b; and 2005–06, Version 1a.
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