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Online Digest September 2007
  • Training and Conferences

Meeting Hague Training Requirements

The Hague Convention on Intercountry Adoption, scheduled to be implemented in early 2008, carries training requirements for both prospective adoptive parents and adoption agency workers. A number of organizations are preparing training classes and materials to meet these requirements. At least two currently offer online training:

The National Council for Adoption has developed an interactive online training program, "The Intercountry Adoption Journey." Topics covered include an overview of the Hague Convention and its requirements, the intercountry adoption and referral process, general characteristics and needs of internationally adopted children, multiculturalism within the adoptive family, and the importance of postadoption and postplacement services and reports. This program provides prospective adoptive parents with 8 of the 10 required hours of Hague-mandated training, while agency staff receive continuing education credits.

Adoption Learning Partners offers several online courses that meet Hague training requirements for parents. These include "Adopting the Older Child," "With Eyes Wide Open: A Preparation Guide to International Adoption," and "The Journey of Attachment." A new course, "Medical Issues in International Adoption," is scheduled to launch in September.

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Vol. 8, No. 8
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